The events.log file records various Agentry
Server events that occur at run
time. Events include startup and shutdown, opening and closing connections to the
application’s system connections, loading of Client-Server communication components, memory
usage, thread expansion, and used and available storage.
The events log persists until one of the following occurs:
- The
log files are rolled by the Server, at which point they are moved
to a backup folder named Logs-Rolled, in a sub-directory
named for the date and time. By default, this occurs once every 24
hours provided the Agentry
Server is
running. With a change to the Server’s configuration, this file
may also be moved to a back up location based on file size.
- The Agentry
Server is
shut down and restarted. In this case, the events log file is moved
to the backup folder Logs-Rolled, again in a sub-directory
named for the date and time.
Unlike most other log files generated by the Agentry
the events log is always enabled. It cannot be disabled.
The following is an example of the contents of the events.log file:

Note: Each log message is written to a single line. Space restrictions
in the example require some of the messages to wrap to multiple
lines. Items in the example that are a part of the message above
it are tabbed in. Each message begins with a timestamp.
The first column of each message contains the date and time of
the event being logged. The next three columns, separated by commas,
are the message type, message group, and the message ID. The message
type is always a 0 or a 1. A message type of 1 indicates
an error message, while a message type of 0 indicates an
informational message. The message type is followed by the thread
ID, denoted by the text Thr, and finally the message
Events Log Grid View
In the Grid View
there are the following columns:
- Time: The timestamp of the
- Message Type: THe message type, either informational (0) or
error (1).
- Thread ID L The processing thread from which the message was
- Message: The log message content.