You can access configuration settings for Agentry Server in SAP Control Center.
The following table describes the general purpose and areas of behavior affected by the settings contained in each section. These settings are ultimately contained within the Agentry.ini configuration file for the Agentry Server. The preferred method of setting any configuration option is to use SAP Control Center wherever possible. However, some settings may need to be initially set within the Agentry.ini file. In such cases these settings are noted in their descriptions, as well as in any procedures which describe modifying those settings.
Section | Description |
Agentry | Contains settings related to the messages and events logs, as well as one to identify the Server instance. |
Server | Contains settings for user, device, and expiration keys. These may be changed if new licenses are provided by Syclo in relation to changes in the usage of the platform. Also contains general sever configuration options related to time outs. |
Configuration | This section contains settings for referencing other configuration files used by the Server. Also, the settings specifying if the Server is configured to provide debugging and whether the Server is for development or production uses. |
Front Ends | This sections lists the dynamic link libraries (DLL’s) to load for the supported Client-Server communications methods. This list is modified if different connection types are supported other than ANGEL. |
ANGEL Front End | The configuration options in this section affect the behavior of communications between the Clients and Server when using the ANGEL connection type. It includes certificate file references, client and server authentication settings, cipher strengths for encryption, and time out values. |
ANGEL Front End Ports | This section contains a list of one or more host names and ports upon which the Server will listen for requests from Clients. Multiple entries may be added here for environment support such as Network Address Translation, security and firewalls, and clustered environments. |
Web Server Front End | This section contains configuration options that affect the behavior of communications between the Clients and Server when the Clients are web browsers. This includes both PC browsers and the RIM Blackberry Handheld Browser. Options related to authentication certificates, ports, and debugging for such communications are set here. |
Web Server MIME Types | This section lists the MIME types related to Web Clients. The items listed here are in addition to those configured on the systems in use. |
Server Side Clients | This section lists the DLL files used for Web Server communications. Currently only the entry for ServerSideClient.dll should be listed here. Other options within this section are reserved for future use. |
System Connections | This section lists the DLL files to be loaded by the Server based on the system connections the application supports and uses. Each entry in this section must match a System Connection definition within the application. Additionally, a matching section must exists for the System Connection within the Agentry.ini file. |
SQL-n | This section contains the configuration options for a single SQL Database system connection. Its settings control the behavior of this connection between the Server and a database system. There may be multiple SQL-n sections within the Agentry.ini file. One must exist for each SQL Database system connection definition within the application. The n portion of the section name must be replaced with the ID value generated by the Editor for the system connection definition. |
Java-n | This section contains the configuration options for a single Java Virtual Machine system connection. Its settings control the behavior of this connection between the Server and a Java interface. There may be multiple Java-n sections within the agentyr.ini file. One must exist for each Java Virtual Machine system connection definition within the application. The n portion of the section name must be replaced with the ID value generated by the Editor for the system connection definition. |
HTTPXML-n | This section contains the configuration options for a single HTTP-XML system connection. Its settings control the behavior of this connection between the Server and an HTTP server. There may be multiple HTTPXML-n sections within the Agentry.ini file. One must exist for each HTTP-XML system connection definition within the application. The n portion of the section name must be replaced with the ID value generated by the Editor for the system connection definition. |
File-n | This section contains the configuration options for a single NT File system connection. Its settings control the behavior of this connection between the Server and the Server’s host system. There may be only one File-n section within the Agentry.ini file. This section must exists for an NT File system connection definition within the application. The n portion of the section name must be replaced with the ID value generated by the Editor for the system connection definition. |
Agents | This section is used by the Server for internal purposes. It should not be modified unless specifically instructed by a Syclo support or services associate. |
SpinDoc | This section is used by the Server to determine the location of SQL script files. It should not be modified unless specifically instructed by a Syclo support or services associate. |
LastUpdates | This section contains date and time values related to the last update of certain other sections within the Server’s configuration files. It should never be modified and is used by the Server for internal purposes. |