Domain logging is an option for obtaining detailed information on all aspects of device, user, application, domain, and data synchronization related activities. The capability can have an adverse influence on system performance, so planning is important before using it on a production system.
Follow these guidelines for implementing domain logging:
- Understand the business requirements that your logging needs to address. Typical usage of the domain logging data would be for debugging application issues whenever they are reported.
- Translate those business needs into logging objectives (how frequently it may be used, the duration of logging, amount of generated data, life span of generated log, and so forth). As business needs evolve, the logging configuration must also evolve.
- To isolate the performance impact and meet your capacity planning outcome, you may run the monitor and domain log database on a separate host (from Cache DB and Cluster DB host).
See Isolating the Monitoring and Domain Logging Databases from Cache and Messaging Databases.
- Identify the target of logging for tracking requests through the system. The logging system offers flexibility to enable logging at multiple levels of granularity, and therefore it is of utmost importance to enable logging at proper granularity level so that the necessary data is collected without incurring performance or resulting in major log data volume. Logging activities for the target data result in a major load on the system.
- Perform some tests with simulated application loads, to evaluate performance of the domain logging database.