A summary of DOE-C Command Line Utility commands. For more detailed information about a command, refer to the reference topic for the command.
Operation |
Command |
Start Command Line Utility console to enter commands interactively |
SMP_HOME\Servers\UnwiredServer\doe-c_clu\bin\CLU.bat (from a command prompt) |
Run Command Line Utility to take commands from an XML file |
-f xmlFileName
(from a command prompt) |
Log in |
login -u|--DOEServerUser UnwiredServerUser -pw|--password UnwiredServerUserPassword -url|--DOECSocketListenerUrl Url [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Exit |
exit [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Get help |
help [commandName | [-a|--all]] | [-h|--help] |
Operation |
Command |
Deploy a package |
deploy -d|--domain domainName -a|--applicationID appID {-u|--technicalUser SAPUserAccount -pw|--password SAPUserPassword} | {-ca|-certAlias certificateAlias} [-sc|--securityConfiguration securityConfigName] [-dir|--deployFilesDirectory deploymentDirectory] [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Get details for specific deployed packages |
getPackages {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName [-ps|--packageNames nameAndVersionList]} [-o|--out outputXmlFile] [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] If you omit -ps, getPackages returns a list of all deployed packages |
Set endpoint properties for a deployed package |
setEndpointProperties {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName {-a|--all | -ps|--packageNames nameAndVersionList} {-u|--technicalUser SAPUserAccount -pw|--password SAPUserPassword} | {-ca|-certAlias certificateAlias} [-ds|--doePacketDropSize byteSize] [-ew|--doeExtractWindow maxNumMsgs] [-t|--soapTimeout seconds] [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Get endpoint properties for a deployed package |
getEndpointProperties {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain -a|--all | -ps|--packageNames name} [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Test endpoint properties for a deployed package |
testEndpoint {-i|--in inputXmlFile | {-d|--domain domainName -p|--packageName name}} [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Set the security configuration for deployed packages | setPackageSecurityConfiguration {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName {-a|--all | -ps|--packageNames nameAndVersionList}} [-sc|--securityConfiguration securityConfigName [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Set the log level for deployed packages |
setPackageLogLevel {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName {-a|--all | -ps|--packageNames nameAndVersionList}} [-l|--logLevel level [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Get the log level for deployed packages |
getPackageLogLevel {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName {-a|--all | -ps|--packageNames nameAndVersionList}} [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Remove deployed packages |
removePackages {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName -ps|--packageNames name} [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Operation |
Command |
Get information on subscriptions to deployed packages |
getSubscriptions {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName -ps|--packageNames nameAndVersionList} [-o|--out outputXmlFile] [-f|--filter filterExpression] [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Get information on subscriptions to a deployed package, with sorting and pagination options |
getSubscriptions2 {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName -p|--packageName name} [-o|--out outputXmlFile] [-f|--filter filterExpression] [-pn|--pageNumber number] [-ps|--pageSize size] [-s|--sort column[:Ascending|Descending]] [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Set the log level for subscriptions to a deployed package |
setSubscriptionsLogLevel {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName -p|--packageName name {-a|--all | -s|--subscriptionID ID}} -l|--logLevel level [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Get the log level for subscriptions to a deployed package |
getSubscriptionsLogLevel {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName -p|--packageName name -s|--subscriptionID ID} [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Suspend subscriptions |
suspendSubscriptions {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName -p|--packageName name {-a|--all | -s|--subscriptionID ID}} [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Resume subscriptions |
resumeSubscriptions {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName -p|--packageName name {-a|--all | -s|--subscriptionID ID}} [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
Resynchronize subscriptions to a deployed package |
resyncSubscriptions {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName -p|--packageName name {-a|--all | -s|--subscriptionID ID}} [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |
End subscriptions to a deployed package |
endSubscriptions {-i|--in inputXmlFile} | {-d|--domain domainName -p|--packageName name {-a|--all | -s|--subscriptionID ID}} [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent] |