Deploy Command

Deploy a package to SAP Mobile Server with the administration client APIs.


supadmin.bat -host host name -port port -u username -pw password deploy [deploy-options]


  • deploy-options – uses these option to deploy and configure the package:
    Option Description
    -d domain Specifies the domain to which the package belongs.
    -dcf descriptorFile (Optional) Specifies the descriptor file for the package.
    -dm deploymentMode
    The deployment mode determines how the deployment process handles the objects in a deployment unit and package. Which value you choose depends on whether or not a package of the same name already exists on SAP Mobile Server. Allowed values are:
    • UPDATE – updates the target package with updated objects. After deployment, objects in the server's package with the same name as those being deployed are updated. By default, deploymentMode is UPDATE.
    • VERIFY – do not deploy package. Only return errors, if any. Used to determine the results of the UPDATE deploy mode.
    If the deployment mode is specified both in the descriptor file and the command-line, the command-line deploymentMode option override the deployment mode specified in the descriptor file.
    -file deploymentUnitFileName Defines the file name of the deployment unit. For example, MyDeployUnit.xml.
    -rm roleMapping
    Defines the role mapping for the package. Accepted values are:
    • role1=AUTO – the logical role defined in the package.
    • role2=SUPAdmin,SUPUser – the physical roles defined in the security provider.

    The role mapping -rm role1,role2 maps the logical roles of the package to the physical roles in the server.

    -sc securityConfig Defines the security configuration for the package. Select an existing security configuration from the domain to which the package will be deployed.
    -sl Enables silent mode, which disables all user interactive questions during package deployment. During silent mode, the default values for each option are used. This mode is mainly used when writing a batch executing file. For example, the command line deploy -file deployunit.xml -sl deploys the package to the default domain with a deploy mode of UPDATE and a sync mode of REPLICATION, without asking for user confirmation.


  • Basic Example – This command updates an existing deployment unit called samples/uep/deployment/customer_list_unit.xml. The batch file uses default values for all other command line options:

    supadmin -host -port 2000 -u supAdminID -pw supPwd deploy -d default -dm update -sc admin -file samples/uep/deployment/customer_list_unit.xml 
    -rm "testrole=SUP Admin;testrole1=SUP User,SUP User2"