Using the Quick Password Encoding Utility

Prior to running the quick password utility, address the following items:
  • Determine which passwords to encode that are in the Agentry.ini file.
  • Obtain the proper passwords for all you are encoding, as you are required to enter them when running the encoder utility.
  • Determine the best time to restart the Agentry Server after this change is made.

The quick password utility is run from the Windows command prompt and from within the folder where the Agentry Server is installed. The utility is run through the command quickPW, which takes no arguments. The user running the command must have read-write access for the Server’s folder and all its contents, particularly the Agentry.ini configuration file.

For each section in which a password is contained, this utility will display a prompt to encode the password. A ‘y’ or ‘n’ response is expected for yes or no, respectively. If the ‘y’ response is entered, an additional prompt is displayed for the plain text password to be entered. the password is then encoded and written to the Agentry.ini file. Additionally, each password setting also has a corresponding encoded flag setting that indicates whether or not the password is encoded. This is required in order for the Agentry Server to properly process the password value when it is read in. The utility will set this flag to true for each password it encodes.

If an ‘n’ response is received for any section, the password is not changed and the utility moves on to the next section until all passwords within the Agentry.ini file have been processed.

  1. Save a copy of the current Agentry.ini file to a backup location prior to running this command.
  2. Open a Windows (DOS) command prompt and navigate to the location of the Agentry Server instance for the mobile application, i.e., C:\SAP\MobilePlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\<AppName>.
  3. Enter the command: quickPW.

    The following prompt displays. Note that if one of the following sections is not a part of the Agentry.ini file, the prompt for it will not be displayed, where Section Name corresponds to the section with a password to be encoded:

    Configure ‘Section Name’? [Y/n]

  4. If you want to encode the password for this section, enter the character Y. Otherwise, enter n to skip this section.

    If Y is entered, the following prompt displays.

    Please enter new password:

  5. Type the new password after this prompt and press Enter.

    The password for the section is encoded and the corresponding password encoded flag option is set to true. You are then prompted to encode the password for the next section.

  6. Repeat this procedure until you have processed all sections within the Agentry.ini file.

    After all sections are processed, the utility exits and you are returned to the Windows command prompt.

  7. Restart the Agentry Server if it is running in order for the modifications to take effect.

The password values you chose to encode are encoded within the Agentry.ini file. These values are no longer human-readable. The encoded password flag option that pertains to each encoded password is set to true.