Determining the Log Record Size

Use Sybase Central™ to query the database of a given SAP Mobile Server to determine the size of the log record.

SAP Mobile Platform services must be running and at least one Mobile Application project deployed to SAP Mobile Server.
  1. Launch Sybase Central (scjview.exe) to manage SQL Anywhere® and UltraLite® databases.
    The default installation location of the Sybase Central executable is SMP_HOME\Servers\SQLAnywhere16\BIN32\scjview.exe.
  2. From Sybase Central connect to the database server by selecting Connections > Connect with SQL Anywhere 16.
  3. Provide connection details and click Connect.
    For example, select Connect to a running database on this computer and enter:
    • User ID and Passworddba and sql respectively
    • Server namehostName_primary
    • Database namedefault

  4. Double-click the Tables folder and search for the log record table. The log record name is typically packageName_logr… where packageName is the name of the deployed package.

  5. Right-click the log record table and select Properties.
  6. In the Properties dialog, select the Miscellaneous tab, then click Calculate.

    The number returned includes logically deleted rows.The returned number of rows depends on the number of application users of the package, and the retention window setting. As a general guideline, the number of rows should be fewer than 10,000.