Admin Security (default.xml) Configuration File Reference

Defines authentication and attribution properties for the 'admin' security configuration. The file is located in SMP_HOME\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\CSI\conf.

Note: SAP recommends that you use SAP Control Center to configure security settings, so that configuration changes are validated before being saved.
Define the login modules used for authentication requests. List the modules in the order that they are invoked with this syntax:
<config:authenticationProvider name="<authProviderName>" controlFlag="<myValue>" />
See the controlFlag Attribute Values reference topic for possible configuration values. The default is required.
Configure global options if the same configuration is shared by the authentication and attribution providers by using:
<config:options name="<propertyName>" value="<myValue>" />
For an LDAP security provider, properties can include:
Property Default Description
ServerType None The LDAP server type. For example, msad2k, sunone5, nsds4, or openldap.
ProviderURL ldap://<host-name>:389 The URL to connect to the LDAP server. For example, ldap://localhost:389. For SSL, use ldap://localhost:636.
SecurityProtocol None The protocol used to connect to the LDAP server. SAP recommends that you set this to SSL. An SSL connection is required for ActiveDirectory when you set the password attribute.
InitialContextFactory None The factory class used to obtain initial directory context.
Referral ignore The behavior when a referral is encountered. The valid values are those dictated by LdapContext, for example, ignore, follow, or throw.
DefaultSearchBase None The default search base to use when performing general operations.
AuthenticationSearchBase None The search base to use when performing authentication operations. If you do not set this value, the default search base is used.
SelfRegistrationSearchBase None The search base to use when creating a new user as part of self-registration. If you do not set this value, the authentication search base is used for self-update operations and the default search base is used for all other operations.
AuthenticationScope ONELEVEL Options include ONELEVEL or SUBTREE.
AuthenticationFilter For most LDAP servers: (&(uid={uid})(objectclass=person))


For Active Directory e-mail lookups: (&(userPrincipalName={uid}) (objectclass=user)) [ActiveDirectory]

For Active Directory Windows user name lookups: (&(sAMAccountName={uid})(objectclass=user))

The user name and password authentication search filter. This must be a legal LDAP search filter, as defined in RFC 2254. The filter may contain the special string "{uid}" which is replaced with the user name of the user attempting to authenticate.

CertificateAuthenticationFilter For Active Directory server: (&({certattr}={0})(objectclass=user))"

For most LDAP server types: "(&({certattr}={0})(objectclass=person))"

The certificate authentication search filter. The filter may contain the special string "{certattr}" which is replaced with the certificate attribute or the mapped LDAP attribute (if mapping between certificate attributes and LDAP attributes is defined). The value "{0}" is set to the encoded certificate or an attribute value from the certificate.

AuthenticationMethod simple The authentication method to use for all binding. Supported values are DIGEST-MD5 or simple.
Attributes None Defines an attribute mapping from a CSI attribute to an LDAP attribute, including:
  • CSI.Email
  • CSI.Username
  • CSI.Password
BindDN None The DN to bind against when building the initial LDAP connection. The user being authenticated with the login module must have read permission on all user records.
BindPassword None The password to bind with for the initial LDAP connection. For example, <config:options name="BindPassword" encrypted="true" value="1-AAAAEgQQyyYzC2+njB4K4QGPcMB1pM6XErTqZ1InyYrW/s56J69VfW5iBdFZehDrY66+6g9u1+a5VAqBiv/v5q08B3f59YMB1EQx9k93VgVTSC0w8q0="/>.
RoleSearchBase None The search base used to retrieve lists of roles. If this you do not set this value, the default search base is used.
RoleFilter For SunONE/iPlanet: (&(objectclass=ldapsubentry) (objectclass=nsroledefinition))

For Netscape Directory Server: (objectclass=groupofnames) (objectclass=groupofuniquenames))

For ActiveDirectory: (objectclass=groupofnames) (objectclass=group))

When combined with the role search base and role scope, returns a complete list of roles within the LDAP server.
RoleScope ONELEVEL The role search scope. Options include ONELEVEL or SUBTREE.
RoleNameAttribute cn The attribute for retrieved roles that is the common name of the role.
UserFreeformRoleMembershipAttributes None The "freeform" role membership attribute list. Users who have attributes in this comma-delimited list are automatically granted access to roles that have names that are the same as the attribute value.
UserRoleMembershipAttributes The default value of this property depends on the chosen server type:
  • For SunONE 5.x, it is "nsRoleDN"
  • For ActiveDirectory, it is "memberOf".
Defines the attributes that contain the DNs of all of the roles the user is a member of. These comma-delimited values are then cross-referenced with the roles retrieved from the role search base and search filter to create a list of user roles.
RoleMemberAttributes There is a default value only for Netscape 4.x server: "member,uniquemember" A comma-delimited list of potential attributes for roles. This list defines the DNs of people who are granted the specified roles. These values are cross-referenced with the active user to determine the user's roles.
Configure additional security providers using:
<config:provider name="<secProviderName>" type="<secType>" />
Security types include: authorizer, attributer, or roleMapper.