Recording XML Trace Files

Generate an XML file that records each communication between client and server.

To generate XML trace files after enabling trace recording on the server, run any HWC or ODP client application on your favorite device (for example, the SAP Hybrid App on an iPad or Android device).
To generate a trace file, simply run the client application normally.
Each interaction between the client and the server is recorded in an XML recording file at the server. Each active application connection generates a separate file.

The XML recording files are written in SMP_HOME\Servers\UnwiredServer\logs\XMLRecording XML.

You can identify the recording files for HWC applications by the suffix "__HWC.xml". To identify recordings that apply to ODP applications, search recording files for the string "GWCRequest".

  • You can safely delete an XML recording file if its associated client is inactive. This enables you to start a new recording for that client, ignoring any previous requests and responses.
  • Some additional generated files are associated with HWC application deployment or administration. If you find an XML recording file with a name that includes the string "LRn", where n >= 1, it is likely you have left XML recording enabled while running a LoadRunner test. Recording during a benchmark test can adversely impact server performance.