To support messaging performance, beyond the properties available in SAP Control Center, you can configure the sup.msg.max_content_size property in the cluster database. This property is only available in the database; modify the default only after discussing the correct value with a SAP representative.
To change sup.msg.max_content_size, by running the following SQL command using the method of your choosing:
update cluster_prop set value='newValue' where name='sup.msg.max_content_size'
The current message size limit for SAP Mobile Server is 20KB. In general, enlarging the message size results in a lower number of messages, and higher efficiency.
Performance also depends on the device environment. A message that is too large stresses the device, and negates efficiency. Device factors include memory and size of the object graph being sent. In some cases, a larger message size terminates message processing. When the message size exceeds the limit, the message is immediately sent to the client side.