Use relay server utilities to administer the relay server: rshost and regRelayServer.
Launch these utilities from the command line; they are not available from any other administration tool.
Relay Server Host (rshost) Utility
State Manager (rshost) maintains state information across Relay Server client requests and RSOE sessions, and manages the Relay Server log file. It also provides a command line utility on the Relay Server host, to update the Relay Server configuration and archive the Relay Server log.
Register Relay Server (regRelayServer) Utility
Use <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\regRelayServer.bat to perform multiple relay server and RSOE administrative actions that can also be performed in SAP Control Center.
RSOE Service (rsoeservice) Utility
Installs, removes, starts, and stops the relay server outbound enabler (RSOE) as a Windows service from the command line. This utility is located in SMP_HOME\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin.