Checking Messaging Responsiveness in SAP Control Center

(Applies only to Hybrid Apps or OData SDK Applications) If information concerning the package, users, and the environment seem to all return normal results, investigate messaging data responsiveness in other parts of SAP Control Center (SCC).

  1. In SAP Control Center, select Applications > Application Connections, then use the appropriate filter to narrow the list to a specific device.
  2. Verify whether messages are is being delivered by looking in the Pending Items or Last Delivery columns.
  3. Under the Domains folder, locate the domain where the package is deployed, then expand the Packages node.
  4. Select the package name, then choose the Subscriptions tab to compare the delivery results with the subscription status. Use the Last Server Response column to see when the last message was sent from the server to the device.
If the message did not transmit and the server appears responsive, continue evaluation by Looking for Errors and Failures in SAP Control Center.