The rsoeconfig.xml file defines Outbound Enabler (RSOE) and Relay Server configurations.
This information describes the XML schema of the RSOE configuration file.
XML root element.
Identifies a Relay Server instance.
Attribute | Value | Required |
ID | Type: integer Primary key of the Relay Server entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created. |
No |
host | Type: string Host name of the Relay Server, or host name of the load balancer (if any). |
Yes |
port | Type: non-negative integer, 0-65535 Relay Server HTTP port. |
Yes |
securePort | Type: non-negative integer, 0-65535 Relay Server HTTPS port. |
Yes |
urlSuffix | Type: string URL suffix used by an RSOE to connect to the Relay Server. |
Yes |
Identifies an Internet proxy server instance.
Attribute | Value | Required |
guid | Type: ID Identifies the IP address and port of the proxy
server, in this
IPaddress_portFor example: |
No |
ID | Type: integer Primary key of the proxy server entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created. |
No |
host | Type: string Host name of the proxy server. |
Yes |
port | Type: non-negative integer, 0-65535 Proxy server HTTP port. |
Yes |
User-definable description of a Relay Server, or an SAP Mobile Server cluster.
Specifies credentials an RSOE must use to authenticate its connection to the Relay Server.
Attribute | Value | Required |
ID | Type: integer Primary key of the credential entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created. |
No |
userName | Type: string User name RSOE must use to access the Relay Server. |
Yes |
password | Type: string Password RSOE must use to access the Relay Server. |
Yes |
Identifies an SAP Mobile Server cluster.
Specifies credentials an RSOE must use to authenticate its connection to an Internet proxy server.
Attribute | Value | Required |
guid | Type: ID Identifies the IP address and port of the proxy
server, with an appended user identifier, in this
IPaddress_port_UserIdFor example: |
No |
ID | Type: integer Primary key of the credential entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created. |
No |
userName | Type: string User name RSOE must use to access the proxy server. |
Yes |
password | Type: string Password RSOE must use to access the proxy server. |
Yes |
Identifies an SAP Mobile Server instance in the SAP Mobile Server cluster.
Attribute | Value | Required |
ID | Type: integer Primary key of the server node entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created. |
No |
name | Type: string Name of the SAP Mobile Server instance, as known to the Relay Server. |
Yes |
token | Type: string Token string RSOE must use to authenticate its connection to the Relay Server. |
Yes |
Identifies an Outbound Enabler (RSOE) associated with an SAP Mobile Server instance.
Parents | //relayServers/relayServer/unwiredServerFarm/serverNode |
Model | supServerPort, clusterMember, tlsOptions{0,1} |
Attribute | Value | Required |
ID | Type: integer Primary key of the RSOE entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created. |
No |
httpUser | Type: string If specified, this value should match the value of a //relayServer/httpCredential/@userName instance. |
No |
proxyServerRef | Type: IDREF If specified, this value must match the value of a //proxyServer/@guid instance. |
No |
proxyUserRef | Type: IDREF If specified, this value must match the value of a //proxyServer/proxyUser/@guid instance. |
No |
startOptions | Type: string Defines RSOE command-line startup options. If specified, this value must match the pattern: \s*(((-v\s+[0-5])|(-d\s+\d+)|(-os\s+(1024\d|102[5-9]\d| 10[3-9]\d{2}|1[1-9]\d{3}|[2-9]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{5,}))|(-ot))\s+)* ((-v\s+[0-5])|(-d\s+\d+)|(-os\s+(1024\d|102[5-9]\d| 10[3-9]\d{2}|1[1-9]\d{3}|[2-9]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{5,}))|(-ot))?\s* |
No |
useHttps | Type: boolean Specifies whether RSOE uses HTTP or HTTPS in connection to Relay Server. |
Yes |
Identifies the SAP Mobile Server port managed by an RSOE.
Identifies the name of the SAP Mobile Server instance associated with the RSOE.
Specifies TLS configuration for RSOE connection to Relay Server.
Attribute | Value | Required |
certificateCompany | Type: string Organization name field of certificate. |
No |
certificateFile | Type: anyURI Location of certificate file. |
Yes |
certificateName | Type: string Common name field of certificate. |
No |
certificateUnit | Type: string Organization unit field of certificate. |
No |
tlsType | Type: string, enumerated | No |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <relayServers xmlns=""> <!-- If the "ID" attribute for a XML element is 0 means you want to create a new element. If the "ID" attribute of a element is a positive integer means you want update a existing element. --> <relayServer securePort="443" port="80" host="" urlSuffix="/ias_relay_server/server/rs_server.dll" ID="0"> <description>Relay Server/RSOE Configuration example. A relay server could have many Backend Farms. </description> <unwiredServerFarm type="replication" name="farm1.myRBS" ID="0"> <description>Replication Backend Farm example. A Backend Farm could have many Backend Servers.</description> <serverNode token="36413d78ef187a7b38548e00e586" name="node1" ID="0"> <!-- A Backend Server can have 0 or 1 RSOE mapping to it. --> <rsoe useHttps="false" ID="0" startOptions="-ot -v 0 -d 10"> <supServerPort port="2480" /> <clusterMember name="ExampleServer1" /> </rsoe> </serverNode> <serverNode token="123" name="node2" ID="0" /> <serverNode token="my_secret_token" name="node3" ID="0"> <rsoe startOptions="-v 0 -ot" useHttps="true" ID="0"> <supServerPort port="2480" /> <clusterMember name="ExampleServer3" /> <tlsOptions certificateFile="E:\tmp\mms-\RsoeCerts\myserver.pem" /> </rsoe> </serverNode> </unwiredServerFarm> <unwiredServerFarm type="messaging" name="farm2.myMBSFarm" ID="0"> <description>test</description> </unwiredServerFarm> </relayServer> <relayServer securePort="443" port="80" host="" ID="0" urlSuffix="/srv/iarelayserver"> <description>test</description> </relayServer> </relayServers>