Configuring Relay Server Connection

Add Relay Server information and Outbound Enablers (RSOEs) to the SAP Mobile Server, and start the RSOEs.

  1. Add Relay Server information to SAP Mobile Server.
    1. Log on to SAP Control Center.
    2. Select the top node localhost@localhost(running) in the left pane.
    3. Select the Relay Servers tab in the right pane.
    4. Click New.
    5. Enter the Relay Server host, HTTP port, and HTTPS port in the Relay Server Configuration window, and click Next.
    6. Enter the Farm ID, and select the appropriate farm type:
      • Messaging for registering applications.
      • Replication for synchronizing data.
      • Web Service
    7. Click Add Image.
    8. Select the newly added item, enter the Node ID and Token, then click Add Image.
    9. Click Finish.
  2. Add Outbound Enablers to SAP Mobile Server.
    You need two outbound enablers, one for replication, one for messaging.
    1. Select the Servers node in the left pane, and expand it.
    2. Expand the SAP Mobile Server where you want to add the RSOE, and select the Server Configuration node.
    3. Select the Outbound Enabler tab.
    4. Click Certificate Files.
    5. Click Add, select the prepared certificate, and click OK.
      Note: This certificate is for the RSOE trusted Relay Server; you must also import the Relay Server public certificate or CA certificate.
    6. Click New in the Outbound Enabler pane.
    7. Select or enter the correct value for the Relay Server information in the Add Configuration window.
      • Farm type:
        • Messaging for registering applications.
        • Replication for synchronizing data.
      • Mobile Server port:
        • 8002 is the default registration application port
        • 2482 is the default synchronization data port
      • Relay server host: <Relay server host name>
      • Relay server port: HTTPS: 443
      • Mobile Server farm: <Relay server farm name>
      • Server node ID: <server node id in rs.config
    8. Click Next.
    9. Check the certificate file, select the correct certificate and key alias, and click Next.
      Note: The certificate file is the RSOE trusted Relay Server certificate. The key alias is the RSOE identity certificate with a private key. The RSOE trusted SAP Mobile Server and its identity certificate are set by SAP Mobile Server automatically according to the port configuration.
    10. click Finish.
  3. In the Outbound Enabler pane, select the newly added RSOEs, and click Start.