Configuring Relay Server to Forward Client Certificates to SAP Mobile Server

Modify the Relay Server configuration file (rs.config) to include backend farm information. Two backend farms are required, one for registering the application, and one for synchronizing data. The two farms have the same properties, except the ID.

Install and configure Relay Server.

Add or modify following items in “backend_farm” section of the Relay Server configuration file (rs.config):

  1. Set the forward_x509_identity option to yes for the backend farm.
  2. (Optional) Configure the forwarder_certificate_subject and forwarder_certificate_issuer as needed.
  3. Set client_security to on to only allow client access through HTTPS protocol.
  4. Set backend_security to on to only allow RSOE access through HTTPS protocol.
    # Backend farm - RBS 
    enable = yes
    id = rbsFarm
    client_security = on
    backend_security = on
    forward_x509_identity = yes
    #forwarder_certificate_subject = CN = \*, *
    #forwarder_certificate_issuer = CN  = ca??, *
    description =