Adding a PreconfiguredUserLoginModule for HTTP Basic Authentication

You can add the PreconfiguredUserLoginModule to perform HTTP Basic authentication for a puch or DCN events, and stack it with other modules that perform the authentication of device users.

The PreconfiguredUserLoginModule is typically used to give the Platform administrators access to SAP Control Center, so that this individual can log in securely and configure the runtime immediately upon installation. Once logged in, administrators are expected to immediately replace this login module in the "admin" security configuration on the "default" domain. Once PreconfiguredUserLoginModule is replaced, you can use this login module Push or DCN events as an alternative to HTTPS Basic authentication. In this scenario, this login module extracts the user information from a request parameter in a URL written with this format:

http://<hostname>:<port>/dcn/HttpAuthDCNServlet .

See Basic HTTP Authentication in the Mobile Data Models: Using Mobile Business Objects guide.

  1. In the navigation pane of SAP Control Center, open the security configuration for either Push or DCN events, then click New.
  2. Select PreConfiguredUserLoginModule.
  3. Configure the properties associated with the provider by configuring values:
    • User name – configure the value appropriately fore these security provider types:
      • If you are using HTTPS Basic, ensure that the user name specified in the HTTPS Basic authentication response needs is formatted as: user@security_configuration. This format ensures that authentication/authorization happens in the correct security context.
      • In some ActiveDirectory configurations, the username may have the form user@activeDirectoryDomain. If, for example, a DCN user is, and the security configuration is named "DCN", then the username specified for DCN request must be "".
    • Password – set a password that corresponds to the user name entered.
    • Role – enter SUP DCN User or SUP Push User.
  4. Set the Control Flag property to sufficient, to ensure this provider is processed and ordered correctly.
  5. Share configured property values with the EIS developers who are writing the DCN sending logic or the Push notification.
Related concepts
HTTP Authentication Security Provider
Related tasks
Assigning Providers to a Security Configuration
Stacking Providers and Combining Authentication Results
Related reference
HTTP Basic Authentication Properties
Preconfigured User Authentication Properties