Creating Connections and Connection Templates

Create a new connection or connection template that defines the properties needed to connect to a new data source.

  1. In the left navigation pane, expand the Domains folder, and select the domain for which you want to create a new connection.
  2. Select Connections.
  3. In the right administration pane:
    • To create a new connection – select the Connections tab, and click New.
    • To create a new connection template – select the Templates tab, and click New.
  4. Enter a unique Connection pool name or template name.
  5. Select the Connection pool type or template type:
    • JDBC – choose this for most database connections.
    • Proxy - choose this if you are connecting to a proxy endpoint; for example, an Online Data Proxy data source or other proxy endpoint.
    • WEBSERVICE – choose this if you are connecting to a Web Services (SOAP or REST) data source.
    • SAP – choose this if you are connecting to an SAP (JCO) data source.
  6. Select the appropriate template for the data source target from the Use template menu. By default, several templates are installed with SAP Mobile Platform; however, a production version of SAP Mobile Server may have a different default template list.
  7. Template default properties appear, along with any predefined values. You can customize the template, if required, by performing one of:
    • Editing existing property values – click the corresponding cell and change the value that appears.
    • Adding new properties – click the <ADD NEW PROPERTY> cell in the Property column and select the required property name. You can then set values for any new properties.
    Note: In a remote server environment, if you edit the sampledb Server Name property, you must specify the remote IP number or server name. Using the value "localhost" causes cluster synchronization to fail.
  8. Test the values you have configured by clicking Test Connection. If the test fails, either values you have configured are incorrect, or the data source target is unavailable. Evaluate both possibilities and try again. Only the SAP and JDBC connection pool types can test the connection. The Proxy and WEBSERVICE pool types cannot test the connection.
  9. Click OK to register the connection pool.
    Note: To whitelist an application using REST services, select Connection pool type as Proxy, enter the application endpoint URL (pointing to the EIS) in the Address field, and save the proxy properties.
    The name appears in the available connection pools table on the Connections tab. Administrators can now use the connection pool to deploy packages.