Starting, Stopping, or Restarting Agentry Server Instances

Start an Agentry Server instance to make an enabled application available to end users. Stop an Agentry Server instance to perform maintenance or to apply changes to server configuration settings. The Agentry Server instance generates log files when it is stopped or started. You can view the logs files in SMP_HOME\Servers\UnwiredServer\logs\<agentryApplicationID>.

You might see any of these statuses for an Agentry Server instance:
  • RUNNING_WITHOUT_METADATA (the application file has not been deployed)
  • RUNNING_NEED_RESTART (to enable a configuration change to take effect)
  1. In the navigation pane of SAP Control Center, expand the Applications node and select the application.
  2. In the administration pane, click the General tab.
  3. Click Start , Stop, or Restart as required.
    • Start is available if the application is enabled, and the Agency Server instance status is STOPPING or STOPPED.
    • Restart is available if the application is enabled, and the Agentry Server instance is STARTING, RUNNING, RUNNING_WITHOUT_METADATA, RUNNING_NEEDS_RESTART, or ERROR.
    • Stop is available if the Agency Server instance is STARTING, RUNNING, RUNNING_WITHOUT_METADATA, RUNNING_NEEDS_RESTART, or ERROR.