Running Manual Cleanup by Domain

At any time the SUP Administrator or SUP Domain Administrator can manually run cleanup options. The processes run asynchronously on SAP Mobile Server using the current settings.

As much as is reasonable, use manual cleanup when system load is light.

  1. In the left pane, expand the Domains folder, and select a domain.
  2. In the right pane, select the Scheduled Tasks tab.
  3. Select one of the cleanup options.
  4. Click Run Now, then optionally specify the purge options.
    For Subscription Cleanup, Error History Cleanup, and Client Log Cleanup, set the number of inactive days for which to purge. For Synchronization Cache Cleanup, set the purge interval for EIS managed caches. For more information on EIS-managed caches, see EIS Defined Cache Partitions in Mobile Data Models: Using Mobile Business Objects and Creating Cache Groups in SAP Mobile WorkSpace - Mobile Business Object Development.
  5. Click OK (Yes) to confirm. The request is sent immediately, and the task runs asynchronously on SAP Mobile Server.