Configuring Secure Communication With an HTTP Proxy

If you want SAP Mobile Server connect to an HTTP Proxy, you can set connection properties for it when you optimize SAP Mobile Server performance.

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Configuration.
  2. In the right administration pane, select the General tab.
  3. From the menu bar, select Performance.
  4. Select Java Virtual Machine, then click Properties.
  5. In the User Options row, enter command-line options to control the startup behavior.
    Enter options as a series of Java system property and value pairs, using this syntax:
    Supported properties include:
    • -Dhttp.proxyHost – for the host name of the proxy server.
    • -Dhttp.proxyPort – for the port number. The default value is 80.
    • -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts – for the list of hosts that should be reached directly, thereby bypassing the proxy. Separate multiple entries with |.
      The patterns may start or end with a * for wildcards. A host name that matches the wildcard pattern can bypass the proxy. For example, to use command line options to configure a proxy and other non-proxy hosts (including those on local computers): –Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 –Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=*|localhost|*.myOtherDomain2.corp
    Note: You can throttle the number of connections used by SAP Mobile Platform by setting a proxy connection pool size on each SAP Mobile Server node. You can set the HTTP proxy configuration in the user options of the Java Virtual Machine properties. The maximum number of gateway connections is determined by this equation:

    number__nodes * connection_pool_size

    For details, see Proxy Properties.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Restart the server for changes to take effect.
Related reference
Proxy Properties