Enabling and Configuring the Notification Mailbox

Configure the notification mailbox settings that allow SAP Mobile Server to transform e-mail messages into Hybrid App.

The notification mailbox configuration uses a listener to scan all incoming e-mail messages delivered to the particular inbox specified during configuration. When the listener identifies an e-mail message that matches the rules specified by the administrator, it sends the message as a Hybrid App to the device that matches the rule.

Note: Saving changes to the notification mailbox configuration deletes all e-mail messages from the account. Before proceeding with configuration changes, consult your e-mail administrator if you want to back up the existing messages in the configured account.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click Hybrid Apps.
  2. In the right administration pane, click Notification Mailbox.
  3. Select Enable.
  4. Configure these properties:
    • Protocol – choose between POP3 or IMAP, depending on the e-mail server used.
    • Use SSL – encrypt the connection between SAP Mobile Server and the e-mail server in your environment.
    • Server and Port – configure these connection properties so SAP Mobile Server can connect to the e-mail server in your environment. The defaults are localhost and port 110 (unencrypted) or 995 (encrypted).
    • User name and Password – configure these login properties so SAP Mobile Server can log in with a valid e-mail user identity.
    • Truncation limit – specify the maximum number of characters taken from the body text of the original e-mail message, and downloaded to the client during synchronization. If the body exceeds this number of characters, the listener truncates the body text to the number of specified characters before distributing it. The default is 5000 characters.
    • Poll seconds – the number of seconds the listener sleeps between polls. During each poll, the listener checks the master inbox for new e-mail messages to process. The default is 60 seconds.
  5. Add at least one distribution rule. You can click Test to test your configuration. If the test is successful, click Save.
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