Creating Object API Application Definitions

Create an Object API application definition by providing general application properties such as the application ID, description, security configuration, and domain details, and assigning MBO packages.

  1. In the left navigation pane of SAP Control Center, click the Applications node and select the Applications tab in the right administration pane.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a unique Application ID.
    • SAP recommends that application IDs contain a minimum of two dots ("."). For example, the following ID is
    • Application IDs cannot start with a dot ("."). For example, the following ID is invalid:
    • Application IDs cannot have two consecutive dots ("."). For example, the following ID is invalid:
  4. Enter a Display Name and Description for the application.
  5. Select Object API as the Client SDK type.
  6. Select the appropriate security configuration from the Security configuration drop-down list.
    For applications that do not require authentication, select the anonymous security configuration or the Anonymous access checkbox.
  7. Select the appropriate domain from the Domain drop-down list.
  8. Assign one or more MBO packages, as required.
  9. Select a Base Template to use as the template for the application connection settings.
    To review the properties of the template, click View. You can modify the template properties after you create the application.
  10. Click OK to complete the application definition.