Viewing Assigned Connections

(Not applicable to Agentry applications) View the properties of the connections assigned to an application.

  1. In the navigation pane of SAP Control Center, select the Applications node.
  2. In the right administration pane, select the Applications tab.
  3. Select the application from the list.
  4. Click Application Connections.
  5. Click Go to refresh the list that displays the application connections.
  6. To filter the list, click Show filter and add filters.
  7. To define a filter:
    1. Select the type of information you want to filter on.
    2. Enter the filter criteria.
    3. Click +.
    4. Repeat for additional filters, as required.
    5. When you have defined all your filters, click Refresh.
    Different types of filters are combined using a logical AND. If the same type of filter is added multiple times with different criteria, the filters are combined using a logical OR
    If you defined the following filters:
    • Security Configuration = Security1
    • User = User1
    • User = User2
    The filtered list would return results that matched both Security1 and either User1 or User2.
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