Registering or Reregistering Application Connections

Registering an application connection groups the user, device, and application to create a unique connection in SAP Control Center, so the registered connection activity can be monitored. Use SAP Control Center to manually register an application connection. You can also reregister an application connection when the association between the user, device and application breaks or requires a different pairing.

For more information on registering and reregistering application connections, see How Connections Are Registered in Mobile Application Life Cycle.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Applications node.
  2. In the right administration pane, click the Application Connections tab.
  3. Choose an action:
    • Click Register to register a new application connection. Using the Activation Code, this application is then paired with a user and a device.
    • Click Reregister to associate the application with a new device and user pairing. For example, reregister the application connection if someone loses their device. By reregistering the application connection, the user then receives the same applications and workflows as the previous device.
      Note: If the client application does not support reregistration, you cannot reregister the application connection. To determine if the client application supports reregistration, review the Capabilities properties for the application connection. If the Application Supports Client Callable Components property has a value of False, reregistration is not supported.
  4. In the Register Application Connection or the Reregister Application Connection dialog.
    1. For new device registration only, type the name of the user that will activate and register the device. For reregistrations or clones, the same name is used and cannot be changed.
    2. (Not applicable to reregistration.) Select the name of the template for initial application connection registration. The template you use supplies initial values in the subsequent fields.
      • Default – a default template that you can use as is, or customize.
      • HWC – a default template for Hybrid Web Container. Use as is, or customize. If you use the HWC template, Application ID must be set to HWC.
      • Custom - customized templates are listed.
      Note: You cannot change the application connection template for an application connection after registration.
  5. Change the default field values for the template you have chosen.
    If you are using Relay Server, ensure the correct values are used.
    • Application ID- the application ID registered for the application. The value differs according to application client type - native application, Hybrid App, or Online Data Proxy client. See Application ID Overview for guidelines.
      Note: If the template you have chosen supplies the Application ID, then this field is read-only.
    • Security Configuration (Registration only) - select the security configuration relevant for the application connection.
    • Logical Role- (not applicable to reregistration) select the logical role that users must belong to in order to access the application.
    • Domain (Registration only) - select the domain to which the application connection is assigned. A domain is not required for registering application connections for Hybrid Web Container applications.
      Note: This value is sent to and used by the device application, and is automatically derived from the application ID you select. Therefore, you must set this value correctly when using a domain with an application ID. If you set a domain, ensure it matches the domain of the packages needed by the application; otherwise, the application generates a Package not found error.
    • Activation code length - the number of characters in the activation code.
    • Activation expiration- the number of hours the activation code is valid.
  6. (Optional) Select the check box adjacent to Specify activation code to enter the code sent to the user in the activation e-mail. This value can contain letter A - Z (uppercase or lowercase), numbers 0 - 9, or a combination of both. Acceptable range: 1 to 10 characters.
  7. Click OK
The application is registered or reregistered. SAP applications that have connections registered with SAP Mobile Server, can also have licenses counted by SAP License Audit service. For a list of SAP applications for which licenses are counted, see SAP Applications Tracked with SAP License Audit in System Administration..
Related concepts
Considerations for Application Connection Registration
Application Connection Properties