Managing a View

Open, close, minimize, maximize, or restore a view in the current perspective.

You can:
Task Action
Open a view Do one of the following:
  • In the Perspective Resources view, select a resource, click the dropdown arrow to the right of the resource name, and select the view to open.
  • In the application menu bar, select View > Open and choose a view.
Close a view Select the view to close. In the application menu bar, select View > Close. You can also click the X in the view’s upper right corner.
Maximize a view Click the box in the view’s upper right corner. The view enlarges to fill the entire perspective window. Click the box again to return the view to its former size.
Minimize a view Click the _ in the view’s upper right corner. The view shrinks to a small tab at the bottom of the perspective window.
Minimize all views In the application menu bar, select Perspective > Arrange > Minimize All Views.
Restore a view Click the box on the minimized tab to maximize the view. Click the box again to return the view to its former (smaller) size so you can see other views at the same time.
Bring a view to the front In the application menu bar, select View > Select and choose the view you want from the submenu.
Related tasks
Arranging View Layout in a Perspective