Checking Client Application Logs

Review data about client application operations for all devices that are subscribed to a package in order to track errors and identify performance issues.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Domains > <domainName> > Packages and select the package you want to manage.
  2. In the right administration pane, select the Client Log tab.
  3. Review this information to monitor client application activity:
    • User – the name of the user that activates the device. The user under the client logs should be in the format "username@securityConfiguration".
    • Application Connection ID – the unique identifier for a user application connection.
    • MBO – the mobile business object that the client is synchronizing with.
    • Operation – the operation that the client is performing.
    • Code – the result of server-side operations; either 200 (successful) or other values (failed).
    • Level – the log level for the application; either FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE.
    • Timestamp – the date and time at which the operation took place.
    • Message – the log message associated with the operation.
  4. Select a row from the table and click Details to see a detailed view of data for the selected client log event.
  5. Click Close to return to the Client Log summary view.