Retrieving Proxy Logs

Retrieves the log data for all requests and responses made from the Proxy server.

Once you have traced a connection under the Applications node, you can retrieve the logs under the Domains node.

  1. Display the General tab for Domain Logs.
    In the navigation pane, click Domain > <domainName> > Log, then select General from the administration pane.
  2. Select the Proxy.
  3. To filter the display, select Show filter and either:
    • Use an existing filter by checking the box adjacent to the filter name.
    • Create a new filter by clicking + and choosing a starting date and time, and ending date and time.
    To customize the display, select the view type (grid or text), or click >> to show only selected columns. To export the filtered results, click Export and select an appropriate output destination.
  4. (Optional) Select the columns to display from the drop down list, such as Application ID, Application Connection Id, and User.
  5. Click Retrieve to retrieve the log data.
  6. (Optional) Select a specific row to view additional columns in the detail area.
Related tasks
Setting Up a Pool of Log Filters
Retrieving Unified View Logs
Retrieving Synchronization Logs
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Retrieving Data Change Notification Logs
Retrieving Security Logs
Retrieving Error Logs
Retrieving Connection Logs
Retrieving Push Logs
Retrieving Server Logs
Retrieving Dispatcher Logs
Retrieving Application Logs
Correlating Log Data Across Subsystems
Exporting Log Data
Related reference
Supported Log Subsystems