Managing Subscriptions

Manage subscriptions to control the messages that application connections receive.

Subscription management tasks include pinging, unsubscribing, recovering, suspending, resuming, resynchronizing, and logging subscriptions. Subscription tasks vary by the package type.

These subscription management tasks apply only to the package types specified in the table below. Perform each task in the Subscriptions tab of the deployed package you are managing.

Subscription management tasks
Subscription task Description Summary Package type

Ensure that push information a user provides for a device is configured correctly.

If the ping is successful, notifications and subsequent data synchronizations occur as defined by each subscription. If the ping fails, open the log and check for an incorrect host name or port number.

Select the box adjacent to the device ID, and click Ping. UNIFIED (replication subscriptions)
Unsubscribe Remove a subscription from SAP Mobile Server. Select the box adjacent to the device ID, and click Unsubscribe for UNIFIED packages, messaging packages, and DOE-C packages.

For Windows Mobile, the device application must include the DatabaseClass.CleanAllData(); method for data to be unsubscribed correctly. If this method is not used, Unsubscribe could work unpredictably.


Reestablish a relationship between the device and SAP Mobile Server. Perform recovery under severe circumstances when a device is unable to successfully synchronize data.

During subscription recovery, SAP Mobile Server purges all enterprise data on the device. It retains the device ID and subscription information so that all data can then be resynchronized and loaded onto the device.

Check the box adjacent to the subscription ID of the device, and click Recover. UNIFIED (messaging subscriptions)
Suspend/resume Control the deactivation and reactivation of package subscriptions:
  • Suspend – temporarily block data synchronization for a device subscribed to a particular package.
  • Resume – reactivate a package subscription after it has been suspended.
Select the box adjacent to the subscription ID of the device, and click either Suspend or Resume.

UNIFIED (messaging subscriptions)



Reactivate subscriptions to a deployed package.

If a DOE-C subscription does not respond to the SAP DOE quickly enough, the DOE may mark that subscription's queues as "blocked" and stop sending messages to the DOE-C. Resynchronize to resume communication from the DOE to the DOE-C subscription.

Check the box adjacent to the subscription ID of the device, and click ReSync. DOE-C
Purge Removes subscriptions that are no longer referenced by any active users. Select the subscription, click Purge, and then select the criteria.

UNIFIED (messaging subscriptions)

UNIFIED (replication subscriptions)