Setting Relay Server General Properties

Set basic connection properties for the Relay Server.

Launch the Relay Server configuration wizard.
  1. Select and specify property values for either:
    • Standalone relay server – outbound enablers bypass the load balancer and high availability is compromised if a direct Relay Server connection fails.
      • Host – the host name or IP address of a single Relay Server
      • HTTP port – the Relay Server HTTP port
      • HTTPS port – the Relay Server HTTPS port
        Note: If Relay Server uses HTTPS and certificates, clients other than those using replication-based synchronization may not be able to connect: messaging applications support only HTTP, and Hybrid Web Container applications for iOS support HTTPS, but not certificates.
      • URL suffixthe URL suffix used by the Outbound Enabler to connect to a Relay Server. The value you set depends on whether Relay Server is installed on IIS or Apache hosts. For IIS, use /ias_relay_server/server/rs_server.dll . For Apache use/srv/iarelayserver/.

        For IIS, the value identifies the relative path for rs_client.dll. If your IIS directory structure is different, modify this value accordingly.

      • (Optional) Descriptiona user-defined description of the Relay Server.
    • Relay server farm – configures a farm of relay servers, including values for the load balancer that is in front of the Relay Server farm. Values vary for load balanced environments.
      • Load balancer host – the host name or IP address of the load balancer in front of the Relay Server farm
      • HTTP port – the port of the load balancer
      • HTTPS port – the secure port of the load balancer
      • URL suffix – the URL suffix used by the Outbound Enabler to connect to a Relay Server load balancer. The value you set depends on whether Relay Server load balancer is installed on IIS or Apache hosts. The default for IIS is /ias_relay_server/server/rs_server.dll . The default for Apache is /srv/iarelayserver/.

        For IIS, the value identifies the relative path for rs_client.dll. If your IIS directory structure is different, modify this value accordingly.

      • (Optional) Description – a user-defined description of the Load Balancer.
      • Relay server nodes within farm – The nodes of relay server within a relay server farm. Add or remove relay server nodes:
        To add relay server nodes, specify these property values and click +:
        • Host – the host name or IP address of a single Relay Server
        • HTTP port – the Relay Server HTTP port
        • HTTPS port – the Relay Server HTTPS port

        To remove relay server nodes, select the corresponding node, then click X.

  2. Add or remove HTTP credentials as required:
    1. Select Configure relay server HTTP credentials.
    2. To add new credentials, specify these property values and click +:
      • User nameuser name for RSOE authentication on the Web server (Relay Server host).
      • Passwordpassword for RSOE authentication on the Web server.
    3. To remove credentials from the list, select the corresponding user name, then click X.
  3. Click Next.