Configuring Memory Usage

(Optional) Determine whether you need to configure how much memory SAP Control Center uses, and if so which configuration method to use.
It is not usually necessary to configure memory usage for SAP Control Center. This table lists memory options you can set and circumstances under which you should consider changing them.
Modify this value When Guidelines
Maximum memory
  • jvmopt=-Xmx – if you are running SAP Control Center as a Windows service
  • SCC_MEM_MAX – if you are starting SCC from the command line
  • You need to prevent SAP Control Center from using more than a given amount of memory
  • SAP Control Center fails to start and may display an error: Could not create the Java Virtual machine.
  • An OutOfMemory error says SAP Control Center is out of heap space
  • A warning message about system memory appears during the start process
  • The machine where SAP Control Center is installed has less than 4GB of memory. (Starting SAP Control Center on a machine with less than 4GB of memory triggers the startup warning message about system memory.)

On machines with less than 4GB of memory, set maximum memory to 256MB or more.

Default value: none. (On machines with 4GB or more of memory, maximum memory is set dynamically and is effectively limited only by the amount of system memory available.)

Permanent memory
  • jvmopt=-XX:MaxPermSize – if you are running SAP Control Center as a Windows service
  • SCC_MEM_PERM – if you are starting SCC from the command line

An OutOfMemory error says SAP Control Center is out of permanent generation space

Increase by 32MB increments. If you reach a value equal to twice the default and still see the OutOfMemory error, contact SAP technical support.

Default value: 128MB

You can change memory options in two ways:
  • For SAP Control Center started from the command line – execute commands to set one or more environment variables before executing the scc command to start SAP Control Center. When you use this method, your changes to the memory options last only as long as the current login session. This method is useful for testing new option values.
  • For the SAP Control Center service – modify a file used by the SAP Control Center service. When you use this method, your changes to the memory options persist—SAP Control Center uses them every time it starts as a service.