Configuring Messaging Performance Properties

Configure performance properties for messaging-based synchronization in the cluster.

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Configuration.
  2. In the right administration pane, click the General tab.
  3. From the menu bar, select Performance.
  4. Select Messaging and click Properties.
  5. Configure the following properties:
    • Maximum number of in memory messages – maximum allowable number of in memory messages.
    • Subscribe bulk load thread pool size – maximum number of threads allocated to initial bulk load subscription operations. The default value is 5. Setting the thread pool size too high can impact performance.
    • Inbound messaging queue count – number of message queues used for incoming messages from the messaging-based synchronization application to the server. SAP recommends you choose a value that represents at least 10% of active devices.
    • Outbound messaging queue count – number of message queues used for outbound messages from the server to the messaging-based synchronization application. SAP recommends a value that represents at least 50% of active devices. However, if you are running 32-bit operating system, do not exceed a value of 100% of active devices.
    • Asynchronous operation replay queue count – the queue limit for asynchronous operation replays. The minimum acceptable queue count is 1 and the default is 5. .
  6. Click OK.