Configuring Non-Network Edge Authentication with a SiteMinder-Protected Web Service

Configure the SMSESSION cookie and application connection template for non-Network Edge authentication to a SiteMinder-protected Web service.

Similar to Network Edge authentication for SiteMinder, non-Network Edge authentication requires the Web service endpoint to be changed in SAP Control Center to use the SMSESSION cookie for single sign-on. However, for non-Network Edge authentication, by default the application connection template is configured with the server name set to the SAP Mobile Platform server or a reverse proxy, depending on your configuration.

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Cluster, then expand Domains, and select the domain for which you want to create a new connection.
  2. Select Connections.
  3. In the right administration pane, select the Connections tab.
  4. Select the EIS connection pool that is a Web service connection pointing to the SiteMinder-protected service, and click Properties.
  5. In the Edit Connection Pool pane, configure these properties:
    Property Value
    credential.a.mapping Cookie:SMSESSION SMSESSION
  6. Click Save.
For detailed examples focusing on SiteMinder specific configurations for SAP Mobile Platform, see How-To: Set up SUP with SiteMinder at