Delete a customization resource bundle from an application. You
cannot delete a customization resource bundle if it is assigned to an application connection
or application connection template; you must unassign it first.
Note: You may have multiple versions of an application in use at once, so it
is acceptable to have multiple customization resource bundle versions in the repository.
However it is good practice to delete customization resource bundles once you know they
are not used.
- In the navigation pane of
SAP Control Center, expand the
Applications node and select the application.
- In the right administration pane, select
the Customization Resource Bundles
- (Optional) Click Refresh to update the list of deployed customization
resource bundles for this application.
- Select a single customization resource bundle in the list and click
- Click Yes to confirm
- If the customization resource bundle JAR file is not assigned, it
is deleted from the file repository. Otherwise, you must unassign the customization
resource bundle first.