LogRecord API

LogRecord stores two types of logs.

SMP101DB.GetLogger – gets the log API. The client can write its own records using the log API. For example:
ILogger logger = SMP101DB.GetLogger();
    logger.Debug("Write this string to the log records table");
SMP101DB.GetLogRecords – gets the log records received from the server. For example:
Query query = new Query();
query.TestCriteria = Sybase.Persistence.AttributeTest.Equal("component", "Customer");
Sybase.Persistence.SortCriteria sortCriteria = new Sybase.Persistence.SortCriteria();         
sortCriteria.Add("requestId", Sybase.Persistence.SortOrder.DESCENDING);           
query.SortCriteria = sortCriteria;

GenericList<ILogRecord> loglist = SMP101DB.GetLogRecords(query);

This sample code shows how to find the corresponding MBO with the LogRecord and to delete the log record when a record is processed.

private void processLogRecords()
    Query query = new Query();
    GenericList<ILogRecord> logRecords = SMP101DB.GetLogRecords(query);
    bool callSync = false;
    foreach (ILogRecord log in logRecords)
      // log warning message
      BenchmarkUtils.AddInfo("log " + log.Component + ":" 
        + log.EntityKey
	+ " code:" + log.Code
    	+ " msg:" + log.Message);
      if (log.Component.Equals("Customer"))
        long surrogateKey = Convert.ToInt64(log.EntityKey);
	Customer c = Customer.Find(surrogateKey);
	if (c.IsPending)
	callSync = true;
      if (callSync)
       SMP101DB.BeginSynchronize(null, null);