Entity State Management

The object state APIs provide methods for returning information about entities in the database.

All entities that support pending state have the following attributes:

Name Type Description
isNew boolean Returns true if this entity is new, but has not yet been created in the client database.
isCreated boolean Returns true if this entity has been newly created in the client database, and one of the following is true:
  • The entity has not yet been submitted to the server with a replay request.
  • The entity has been submitted to the server, but the server has not finished processing the request.
  • The server rejected the replay request (replayFailure message received).
isDirty boolean Returns true if this entity has been changed in memory, but the change has not yet been saved to the client database.
isDeleted boolean Returns true if this entity was loaded from the database and subsequently deleted.
isPending boolean Checks if the object's pending flag is turned on or not, that is, has pending change or not. Returns true if there is a pending change, returns false if there is no pending change.
isUpdated boolean Returns true if this entity has been updated or changed in the database, and one of the following is true:
  • The entity has not yet been submitted to the server with a replay request.
  • The entity has been submitted to the server, but the server has not finished processing the request.
  • The server rejected the replay request (replayFailure message received).
pending boolean Returns true for any row that represents a pending create, update, or delete operation, or a row that has cascading children with a pending operation.
pendingChange char If pending is true, this attribute's value is 'C' (create), 'U' (update), 'D' (delete), or 'P' (to indicate that this MBO is a parent in a cascading relationship for one or more pending child objects, but this MBO itself has no pending create, update or delete operations). If pending is false, this attribute's value is 'N'.
replayCounter long Returns a long value that is updated each time a row is created or modified by the client. This value is a unique value obtained from KeyGenerator.generateID method. Note that the value increases every time it is retrieved.
replayPending long Returns a long value. When a pending row is submitted to the server, the value of replayCounter is copied to replayPending. This allows the client code to detect if a row has been changed since it was submitted to the server (that is, if the value of replayCounter is greater than replayPending).
replayFailure long Returns a long value. When the server responds with a replayFailure message for a row that was submitted to the server, the value of replayCounter is copied to replayFailure, and replayPending is set to 0.