Creating Categorized Views

Create a set of categories for the list of Hybrid Apps. The comment tag associated with this customization is BLACKBERRY_CUSTOMIZATION_POINT_CATEGORIZEDVIEWS.

First, determine names for the categories. SAP recommends that you name the final category “Miscellaneous;” this adds all applications and messages that do not match a category to the Miscellaneous category. Also in this example, all applications that belong to a category must include the category name contained in their display name. For example, an application named “Financial Claim” belongs in the “Financial” category.

There are other ways to determine categories; if you know the names of the applications in advance, you can simply list all the application names that belong in each category.

  1. Open the file for editing and add:
    import java.util.Vector;
     import net.rim.device.api.util.Comparator; 
  2. Add a list of categories as a private final member variable to the AppScreen class, for example:
    private final String[] m_asHybridAppCategories = { "Financial", "Utilities", "Miscellaneous" }; 
  3. In the constructor of AppScreen, replace the compare method in the Comparator with the following modified version: 
    m_oApps.setSortComparator(new Comparator()   
    public int compare(Object oApp1, Object oApp2)  
    return 0;  
    Although you can sort with categories, doing so becomes complicated since you must check whether an element is a category name or a Hybrid App, and you typically want to sort only Hybrid Apps within a common category.
  4. Replace the populateList method with this modified version:
    private void populateList()  
    Vector vHybridApps = BBHybridAppHelper.getClientHybridApps();  
    for (int i = 0; i < m_asHybridAppCategories.length; i++)  
    for (int j = 0; j < vHybridApps.size(); j++)
    {HybridApp ha = (HybridApp) vHybridApps.elementAt(j);
    if (ha.getDisplayName().indexOf(m_asHybridAppCategories[i]) >= 0
    || i + 1 == m_asHybridAppCategories.length)
  5. Replace the drawListRow method in ListFieldCallback with this modified version:
    public void drawListRow(ListField listField, Graphics graphics,   
                                    int index, int y, int width) {       
                            // y parameter is already offset to center text   
                            int iOffset = (listField.getRowHeight() - getFont().getHeight()) >> 1;   
                            // HybridApp oApp = ( HybridApp ) m_oApps.elementAt( index );   
                            // BLACKBERRY_CUSTOMIZATION_POINT_COLORS   
                            final int iMargin = 2;   
                            Object element = m_oApps.elementAt( index );   
                            if( element instanceof HybridApp )   
            HybridApp oApp = ( HybridApp ) element;   
                               // Draw image   
            EncodedImage oImage = EncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource( "ampicon" + oApp.getIconIndex() + ".png" );   
            Bitmap oBitmap = oImage.getBitmap();   
            graphics.drawBitmap( iMargin, y - iOffset + ( listField.getRowHeight() - oBitmap.getHeight() ) / 2, oBitmap.getWidth(), oBitmap.getHeight(), oBitmap, 0, 0 );   
                               // Draw text   
                               graphics.drawText( oApp.getDisplayName(), 2 * iMargin + oBitmap.getWidth(), y );   
                                // element must be a String   
                               String sCategoryName = (String) element;   
               graphics.drawText( sCategoryName, iMargin, y );   
  6. Replace the navigationClick method in the AppScreen class with this modified version:
    protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time)   
                    Field oField = getFieldWithFocus();   
                    if ( oField instanceof ListField )   
                            int iIndex = ( ( ListField ) oField ).getSelectedIndex();   
                            if ( iIndex != -1 && m_oApps.size() > 0 )   
            Object oElement = m_oApps.elementAt( iIndex );   
            if( oElement instanceof HybridApp )   
                                       HybridApp oApp = ( HybridApp ) oElement;   
            XmlHybridApp.startHybridApp( oApp.getModuleId(), oApp.getVersion(), false );   
                                       return true;   
                    return super.navigationClick(status, time);   
  7. Replace the onHybridAppAdded method in the HybridAppsListener with this modified version:
    public void onHybridAppAdded(HybridApp oHybridApp) {   
  8. Save the file.
  9. Open the file, which is located in the ...\HybridWebContainer\src\com\sybase\hwc folder and edit the getHybridAppScreenClass() method, to change the class returned to your new class.