Supplying a Signing Key

You must supply a BlackBerry code signing key from BlackBerry to access the persistent store.

  1. Go to to obtain a signing key and import into Eclipse following BlackBerry's instructions.
    Once you import your signing key, you must change some code to let the Hybrid Web Container know which keys you are using.
  2. Open the file for editing.
  3. Find the method named getCodeSignerId() and update it to return the name of your key.
    If there is no key file and believe it is not needed, return NULL from getCodeSignerId(). The key file is used to protect data in the persistent store. If there is no key file and you want to create one, install and use BlackBerry Signing Authority Tool.

    Once you have created a key file, add it to your project, so it is included in the .cod file. getCodeSignerId() then needs to return the name of the key file without an extension.

  4. Add the key file to your project so it is included in the .cod file.