Implementing a Custom HybridAppList Screen

Add a custom HybridAppList screen.

Use the CustomCode sample files as the starting point for your customization.
  1. In Visual Studio Solution Explorer, click the Show All button.
  2. Include all the files in the CustomCode folder.
  3. Modify the code in your copy of the included files.
    You can modify these files to customize the HybridAppList screen:
    • MyHybridAppListScreen – class used to implement the HybridAppList screen.
    • HybridAppComparer – comparer used by MyHybridAppListScreen to sort the Hybrid Application order.
    • HybridAppFilter – filter used by MyHybridAppListScreen to filter the Hybrid App.
    • CustomizationHelper – class that integrates the HybridAppListScreen into the Hybrid Web Container.
  4. Rebuild and test your project.