Provisioning iOS Devices

Use this procedure to provision your iOS device for APNs if you build your own application using the source code provided in <SMP_HOME>\MobileSDK<version>\HybridApp\Containers\iOS\iOS_HWC_<version>.tar.gz.

See the Apple developer documentation for Provisioning and Development. These procedures are documented in detail there. Applications developed for distribution must be digitally signed with a certificate issued by Apple. You must also provide a distribution provisioning profile that allows user devices to execute the application.
  1. Register with Apple to download and use the iOS SDK. A free account allows you to download the SDK and develop with the simulator. To deploy Hybrid Apps to devices, you must create a certificate in your developer account and provision your device. See Apple Local and Push Notifications in Depth for details.
  2. Use the iOS Provisioning Portal at (you must log on or register as an Apple developer) to create the SSL certificate and Keys. Configure the certificate to enable for Apple Push Notification service.
  3. On your Mac, launch the Keychain Access program. This is located in the Utilities folder.
    1. In Keychain Access, select Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate from Certificate Authority.
    2. In the Certificate Information window, enter the information. Use a unique common name.
      Note: Make sure you use a different common name than a development certificate you already have. This creates a private key with the name you enter here.
      A certificate request is created and saved in the Desktop folder by default.
  4. In the Apple Provisioning Portal, continue with the App ID provisioning and browse to the certificate request file created in Keychain Access in the previous step, then click Generate.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Click Download Now.
    The certificate is downloaded onto your machine, the Keychain utility appears, and the certificate is imported into the "login" keychain.
  7. Verify that the certificate is associated with a private key.
  8. Create and install a Provisioning profile for the application.
  9. In Xcode, open the HWC.xcodeproj project.
    Note: Note the product name. This is used to configure the Hybrid Web Container in SAP Control Center and corresponds to the Application Name property in SAP Control Center. By default, the application name is HWC. This needs to be configured in the properties for the target. There is a 15-character limit for the product name.
  10. Change AppName and AppId in the Branding.strings file for the necessary language resources.
    This file is available under the Resources folder of the HWC Xcode project.
    Note: The Bundle Identifier must correspond to the Bundle identifier specified in the App ID. Change it to something unique.
  11. Copy the exported <certificate_name>.p12 certificate to the machine where SAP Control Center is installed and follow the instructions in Configuring Apple Push Settings for the Hybrid Web Container and use the certificate you just created.
    Note: Make sure you select only the certificate in the Keychain tool before exporting.