Message( msgId, date, icon, sender, isRead, processed, priority, subject, module, version ) method

Represents a message received by the HWC.


<static> Message( msgId, date, icon, sender, isRead, processed, priority, subject, module, version )


Name Type Description
msgId number The message ID of this message.
date Date The date this message was received.
icon number The icon index for this message.
sender string The sender of this message.
isRead boolean Whether this message has been read or not.
processed boolean Whether this message has been processed or not.
priority number The priority of this message (must be either hwc.MSG_PRIORITY_HIGH or hwc.MSG_PRIORITY_NORMAL).
subject string The subject of this message.
module number The module ID of the hybrid app associated with this message.
version number The version of the hybrid app associated with this message.


hwc-api.js, line 2441.