getClientVariables( moduleID, version ) method

Gets the client variables of the hybrid app with given module id and version.


<static> getClientVariables( moduleID, version ) → {hwc.ClientVariables}


Name Type Description
moduleID number The module ID of the hybrid app.
version number The version of the hybrid app.


A hwc.ClientVariables object, or null if there are no ClientVariables for the hybrid app with the given module id and version.




var apps = hwc.getInstalledApps();
// Loop through the apps, showing the client variables for each one.
for( var i = 0; i < apps.length; i++ )
   var app = apps[i];
   // Get the client variables.
   var clientVariables = hwc.getClientVariables( app.getModuleID(), app.getVersion() );
   if( clientVariables.getCount() > 0 )
      // Get all the names of the variables for this app.
      var keys = clientVariables.getAllVariableNames();
      // Loop through all the variable for this app.
      for( var index = 0; index < keys.length; index++ )
         // Get a specific variable by name.
         var variable = clientVariables.getVariableValueByName( keys[index] );
         alert( "variable name: " + keys[index] + "\
variable value: " + variable );


hwc-api.js, line 1961.