Replacing the Hybrid App Certificate Through SAP Control Center

If using static credentials, you can set or modify the context variable certificate settings for a Hybrid App package from SAP Control Center.

The Hybrid App certificate password context variable is read-only. You can modify this only by using the Admin Java API method SUPMobileHybridApp.replaceMobileHybridAppCertificate().

  1. From SAP Control Center, navigate to Hybrid Apps > <Hybrid_App_Name>, where Hybrid_App_Name is the name of the Hybrid App package.
  2. On the Context Variables tab, verify that SupUser and SupPassword contain valid credentials for the specified security configuration, for Hybrid App packages that do not use certificate-based authentication.
  3. For Hybrid App packages that use certificate based authentication, you can view these context variables:
    • SupCertificateIssuer
    • SupCertificateSubject
    • SupCertificateNotAfter
    • SupCertificateNotBefore