Packaging a CAB File

After rebuilding your customized Hybrid Web Container, package the generated files into a cab file that can be installed on a device.

Install ActivePerl, available for download from After installing ActivePerl, add it to the environment path. When you run Perl at the command prompt, the script is executed by the first Perl.exe it encounters in the list of paths in the PATH environment variable. To ensure the script is executed by the correct Perl interpeter, specify the complete path to the Perl.exe you want to use.
When you build the template project, the binary release files are generated into the template output folder.
  1. Open a Command Prompt.
  2. In the Command Prompt, navigate to the template\Tools folder of your project.
  3. Run the buildcab script, specifying the path to the location of the release files generated when you built the project.
    For example:

    perl ..\bin\Release

    The packaged CAB file is generated in template\Tools.