Creating a Proxy Connection (Whitelisting)

Create a new connection in SAP Control Center to allow a proxy connection (authenticated or anonymous) through SAP Mobile Platform.

Note: When you set the proxy property with the endpoint address in the application template (either as part of the application creation or editing the application template created for that application), a proxy connection is generated automatically.
  1. In the left navigation pane, expand the  Domains folder, and select the default domain.
  2. Select Connections.
  3. In the right administration pane, select the Connections tab, and click New.
  4. Enter a unique Connection pool name.
    The Connection pool must have the same name as the application ID.
  5. Select the Proxy Connection pool type.
  6. Select the appropriate template for the data source target from the Use template menu. 
  7. Set the Address property by clicking the corresponding cell and entering the address of the proxy endpoint. For example,
  8. Configure the proxy properties you require. For a complete list, see Proxy Properties in SAP Control Center for SAP Mobile Platform
    • To access an external service, you must configure the http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort properties during server configuration in SAP Control Center > Configuration > General > Performance > Java Virtual Machine > Properties > JVM Properties > User options. If you set or change the setting for http.proxyHostand http.proxyPort, you must restart the services using the stop/start service scripts. For more information, see Administer > SAP Mobile Server > Configuring SAP Mobile Server to Securely Communicate With an HTTP Proxy in SAP Control Center for SAP Mobile Platform .
    • Ensure that enough work processes exist in both the Gateway system and in any SAP EIS systems (for example, SAP ERP or CRM) to handle the peak load.  To throttle the number of connections used by SAP Mobile Platform, use the Pool Size property for your Proxy connection pool on each SAP Mobile Server node.
    • On a proxy connection, if the header for X-SUP-BACKEND-URL is not NULL, or EnableURLRewrite is false then no URL rewrite occurs for either the request or response content.
    • To access the external services, you must configure EnableHttpProxy = True, ProxyHost = proxy, ProxyPort = 8080 in the connection pool.
    • In REST services, the proxy URL is fetched from the application ID which is sent from the client device. The same application ID is also present in the connection pool. This proxy URL is used for request/response.
    • The "Username" and "Password" fields of a Proxy Connection Profile are only valid when Anonymous access is used: "AllowAnonymousAccess" is set to True. If set to False, the end user must provide basic authentication credentials.
  9. Click OK to register the connection pool.