
1       /*
2       * Sybase Hybrid App version 2.3.4
3       *
4       * SUPStorage.js
5       * This file will not be regenerated, so it is possible to modify it, but it
6       * is not recommended.
7       *
8       * Copyright (c) 2012 Sybase Inc. All rights reserved.
9       */
11      /**
12       * The namespace for the Hybrid Web Container javascript 
13       * @namespace 
14       */
15      hwc = (typeof hwc === "undefined" || !hwc) ? {} : hwc;		// SUP 'namespace'
18      /**
19       * Access the storage functions, which allow you to specify a cache that stores results from online requests.
20       * 
21       * These functions give you the ability to:
22       * Name the cached result sets
23       * Enumerate the cached result sets
24       * Read, delete, and modify cached contents individually for each cached result set
25       *  Cached result sets must be stored as strings (before deserialization to an xmlWorkflowMessage structure).
26       */
27      (function(hwc, window, undefined) {
29      /**
30       * Creates a SUPStorage with the specified storeName. Provides encrypted storage of name value pairs. Results from online requests are one example. 
31       * Strings stored in SUPStorage are encrypted and persisted to survive multiple invocations of the mobile workflow application.
32       * @desc Storage
33       * @memberOf hwc
34       * @constructor
35       * @param {string} store the store name
36       *
37       * @example
38       * var store1 = new hwc.SUPStorage("one");
39       */
40      hwc.SUPStorage = function(store) {
41          this.bForSharedStorage = false;
42 = store ? store : "";
43      };
45      /**
46      * Gets the number of available keys in this object. The keys themselves may be
47      * retrieved using key().
48      * @desc Storage
49      * @memberOf hwc.SUPStorage
50      * @public
51      * @example
52      * // Create the SUP Storage
53      * var store = new hwc.SUPStorage ("one");
54      * store.setItem ("foo", "bar"); // add an item.
55      * store.setItem ("foo1", "bar"); // add an item.
56      * store.setItem ("foo2", "bar"); // add an item.
57      * var result = store.length; // result = 3
58      */
59      hwc.SUPStorage.prototype.length = function() {
60          var response;
61      	hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.length");
62      	try {
63      		if (hwc.isWindowsMobile() || hwc.isIOS()) {
64      			response = hwc.getDataFromContainer("workflowstorage", "&command=length&shared=" + this.bForSharedStorage +
65      					"&store=" + encodeURIComponent(;
66      			return parseInt(response, 10);
67      		}
68      		else {
69      			if (this.bForSharedStorage) {
70      				return _SharedStorage.length(hwc.versionURLParam);
71      			}
72      			else {
73      				return SUPStorage.length(;
74      			}
75      		}
76      	} finally {
77      		hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.length");
78      	}
79      };
81      /**
82      * Returns the key at the supplied index. Keys are guaranteed to remain
83      * at the same index until a modification is made.
84      *
85      * @desc Storage
86      * @public
87      * @memberOf hwc.SUPStorage
88      * @param {Integer} index 0-based index to the key. Must be less than the value retrieved
89      *     by .length.
90      * @returns {string} The key, or null if the index is invalid.
91      * @example
92      * // Create the SUP Storage
93      * var store = new hwc.SUPStorage ("one");
94      * store.setItem ("foo", "bar"); // add an item.
95      * var result = store.key (0); // will returns "foo".
96      */
97      hwc.SUPStorage.prototype.key = function(index) {
98          var key, isExist;
99      	hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.key");
100     	try {
101     		if (null === index) {
102     			return null;
103     		}
105     		if (hwc.isWindowsMobile() || hwc.isIOS()) {
106     			key = hwc.getDataFromContainer("workflowstorage", "&command=key&shared=" + this.bForSharedStorage +
107     					"&store=" + encodeURIComponent( + "&index=" + encodeURIComponent(index));
109     			  if (key === null || typeof key === 'undefined' || key === "") {
110     				 isExist = hwc.getDataFromContainer("workflowstorage", "&command=exist&shared=" + this.bForSharedStorage +
111     					"&store=" + encodeURIComponent( + "&index=" + encodeURIComponent(index));
113     				//WM returns empty string if an item does not exist or if the value is empty string
114     				//call exist to distinguish this
115     				if (isExist == "true") {
116     					 key = "";
117     				}
118     				else {
119     					 key = null;
120     				}
121     			  }
122     		}
123     		else {
124     			if (this.bForSharedStorage) {
125     				key = _SharedStorage.key(index, hwc.versionURLParam);
126     			}
127     			else {
128     				key = SUPStorage.key(, index);
129     			}
130     		}
132     		if (key === null || typeof key === 'undefined') {
133     			return null;
134     		} else {
135     			return key + "";
136     		} 
137     	} finally {
138     		hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.key");
139     	}
140     };
142     /**
143     * Helper method for parameter validation
144     * @private
145     * @param {string} input: input value .
146     * @returns {string} if input is null, return empty string
147     */
148     function checkNull(input) {
149         if (null === input) {
150             input = "";
151         }
152         return input;
153     }
155     /**
156     * Retrieves the value associated with a specified key.
157     *
158     * @desc Storage
159     * @memberOf hwc.SUPStorage
160     * @param {string} key String key corresponding to the requested value.
161     * @returns {string} A String value corresponding to the key, or null if either the key
162     *     is not known, or if the key exists but its value was set to null.
163     * @example
164     * // Create the SUP Storage
165     * var store = new hwc.SUPStorage ("one");
166     * store.setItem ("foo", "bar"); // add an item.
167     * result = store.getItem ("foo"); // will returns "bar".
168     * result = store.getItem ("foo1"); // foo1 does not exists; will return null.
169     */
170     hwc.SUPStorage.prototype.getItem = function(key) {
171         var value, isExist;
172         key = key ? key : "";
174     	hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.getItem");
175     	try {
176     		if (hwc.isWindowsMobile() || hwc.isIOS()) {
177     			 value = hwc.getDataFromContainer("workflowstorage", "&command=getItem&shared=" + this.bForSharedStorage +
178     					"&store=" + encodeURIComponent( + "&key=" + encodeURIComponent(key));
180     			  if (value === null || typeof value === 'undefined' || value === "") {
181     				isExist = hwc.getDataFromContainer("workflowstorage", "&command=exist&shared=" + this.bForSharedStorage +
182     					"&store=" + encodeURIComponent( + "&key=" + encodeURIComponent(key));
184     				//WM returns empty string if an item does not exist or if the value is empty string
185     				//call exist to distinguish this
186     				if (isExist == "true") {
187     					value = "";
188     				}
189     				else {
190     					value = null;
191     				}
192     			}
193     		}
194     		else {
195     			if (this.bForSharedStorage) {
196     				value = _SharedStorage.getItem(key, hwc.versionURLParam);
197     			}
198     			else {
199     				value = SUPStorage.getItem(, key);
200     			}
201     		}
203     		if (value === null || typeof value === 'undefined') {
204     			return null;
205     		} else {
206     			return value + "";
207     		}
208     	} finally {
209     		hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.getItem");
210     	}
211     };
213     /**
214     * A constant for the maximum length for a string being stored on BB7
215     * BB7 cannot handle strings with length longer than 524000
216     * This restriction applies to real devices as well as simulators.
217     */
218     hwc.SUPStorage.BB7_MAX_STRING_STORAGE_LENGTH = 524000;
220     /**
221     * Sets the value associated with a specified key. This replaces the key's
222     * previous value, if any.
223     *
224     * @desc Storage
225     * @memberOf hwc.SUPStorage
226     * @param {string} key String key corresponding to the value.
227     * @param {string} value String value to store.
228     * @example
229     * // Create the SUP Storage
230     * var store = new hwc.SUPStorage ("one");
231     * store.setItem ("foo", "bar"); // add an item.
232     */
233     hwc.SUPStorage.prototype.setItem = function(key, value) {
234         var result;
235     	hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.setItem");
236         key = key ? key : "";
237         value = value ? value : "";
238     	try {
239     		if (hwc.isWindowsMobile() || hwc.isIOS()) {
240     			 hwc.postDataToContainer("workflowstorage", "command=setItem&store=" + encodeURIComponent( + "&shared=" + this.bForSharedStorage + "&key=" +
241     						encodeURIComponent(key) + "&value=" + encodeURIComponent(value));
242     		}
243     		else {
244     			if (hwc.isBlackBerry7() && value.length > hwc.SUPStorage.BB7_MAX_STRING_STORAGE_LENGTH) {
245     				throw new hwc.SUPStorageException(hwc.SUPStorageException.MAX_SIZE_REACHED, "SUP storage maximum size reached - maximum length of string to store on BB7 is 524000 but attempted to store string of length " + value.length);
246     			}
247     			if (this.bForSharedStorage) {
248     				result = _SharedStorage.setItem(key, value, hwc.versionURLParam);
249     			}
250     			else {
251     				result = SUPStorage.setItem(, key, value);
252     			}
253     			if (result !== 0) {
254     				throw new hwc.SUPStorageException(result, "SUP storage maximum size reached");
255     			}
256     		}
257     	} finally {
258     		hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.setItem");
259     	}
260     };
262     /**
263     * Removes the key and its associated value from this object. If the
264     * key does not exist, has no effect.
265     *
266     * @desc Storage
267     * @memberOf hwc.SUPStorage
268     * @param {string} key String key to remove.
269     * @example
270     * // Create the SUP Storage
271     * var store = new hwc.SUPStorage ("one");
272     * store.setItem ("foo", "bar"); // add an item.
273     * store.removeItem ("foo");
274     * result = store.getItem ("food"); // will be null.
275     */
276     hwc.SUPStorage.prototype.removeItem = function(key) {
277     	hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.removeItem");
278     	try {
279     		key = key ? key : "";
280     		if (hwc.isWindowsMobile() || hwc.isIOS()) {
281     			 hwc.getDataFromContainer("workflowstorage", "&command=removeItem&shared=" + this.bForSharedStorage +
282     					"&store=" + encodeURIComponent( + "&key=" + encodeURIComponent(key));
283     		}
284     		else {
285     			if (this.bForSharedStorage) {
286     				_SharedStorage.removeItem(key, hwc.versionURLParam);
287     			}
288     			else {
289     				SUPStorage.removeItem(, key);
290     			}
291     		}
292     	} finally {
293     		hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.removeItem");
294     	}
295     };
297     /**
298      * Removes all key/value pairs from this object.
299      * @desc Storage
300      * @memberOf hwc.SUPStorage
301      */
302     hwc.SUPStorage.prototype.clear = function() {
303     	hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.clear");
304     	try {
305     		if (hwc.isWindowsMobile() || hwc.isIOS()) {
306     			 hwc.getDataFromContainer("workflowstorage", "&command=clear&shared=" + this.bForSharedStorage +
307     					"&store=" + encodeURIComponent(;
308     		}
309     		else {
310     			if (this.bForSharedStorage) {
311     				_SharedStorage.clear(hwc.versionURLParam);
312     			}
313     			else {
314     				SUPStorage.clear(;
315     			}
316     		}
317     	} finally {
318     		hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.SUPStorage.clear");
319     	}
320     };
322     /**
323     * Exception thrown when Storage space is exceeded.
324     * @desc Storage
325     * @constructor
326     * @memberOf hwc
327     * @param {Integer} code the error code
328     * @param {string} message the error message.
329     */
330     hwc.SUPStorageException = function(code, message) {
331         this.code = code;
332         this.message = message;
333     };
335     hwc.SUPStorageException.UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1;
336     hwc.SUPStorageException.MAX_SIZE_REACHED = 2;
337     hwc.SUPStorageException.SHARED_STORAGE_DISABLED = 3;
339     // shared storage key.
340     hwc.sharedStorageKey = undefined;
342     /**
343     * Method to return the shared storage key defined for the hybrid app by designer. An empty string is returned if the shared storage function is disabled.
344     * @desc Storage
345     * @memberOf hwc
346     * @returns {string} the shared storage key.
347     */
348     hwc.getSharedStorageKey = function() {
349             if (hwc.sharedStorageKey === undefined ) {
350                 var key = hwc.getQueryVariable("sharedStorageKey");
351                 hwc.sharedStorageKey = (key === undefined) ? "":key;
352             }
353         return hwc.sharedStorageKey;
354     };
356     /**
357     * Indicates whether the shared storage is enabled for the hybrid app.
358     * @desc Storage
359     * @memberOf hwc
360     * @returns {boolean} true if the shared storage is enabled; false otherwise.
361     */
362     hwc.isSharedStorageEnabled = function() {
363         var key = hwc.getSharedStorageKey();
364         if (key === undefined || key === "") {
365             return false;
366         }
367         else {
368             return true;
369         }
370     };
372     /**
373     * Constructs a new SUP shared storage. You can use the returned value to access the shared storage data with the exising SUPStorage interface, 
374     * however, the operation only affects the items belonging to the specified shared storage key.
375     * @classdesc
376     * @memberOf hwc
377     * @desc Storage
378     */
379     hwc.SharedStorage = function() {
380             if (hwc.isSharedStorageEnabled() === false ) {
381             throw new hwc.SUPStorageException(hwc.SUPStorageException.SHARED_STORAGE_DISABLED, "Shared storage is disabled"); 
382         }
383         this.bForSharedStorage = true;
384 = "";
385     };
387     hwc.SharedStorage.prototype = new hwc.SUPStorage();
388     hwc.SharedStorage.constructor = hwc.SharedStorage;
389     })(hwc, window);