
1       /*
2        * Sybase Hybrid App version 2.3.4
3        *
4        * ExternalResource.js
5        *
6        * This file will not be regenerated, so it is possible to modify it, but it
7        * is not recommended.
8        *
9        * Copyright (c) 2012 Sybase Inc. All rights reserved.
10       *
11       */
12      /**
13       * The namespace for the Hybrid Web Container javascript
14       * @namespace
15       */
16      hwc = (typeof hwc === "undefined" || !hwc) ? {} : hwc;      // SUP 'namespace'
18      (function() {
20          /**
21          * Makes an external cross domain request.
22          *
23          * @public
24          * @memberOf hwc
25          * @param {String} url The url to make request to
26          * @param {anonymous.options} options  a set of key/value pairs that configure the underlying request.
27          *
28          * @example
29          *
30          *    var options = {
31          *        method: "GET",
32          *        data: "data",
33          *        async: true,
34          *        headers: {
35          *            "Content-Type": "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"
36          *        },
37          *        complete: function(response) {
38          *           // invoked when the request completes (asynchronous mode)
39          *           if (response.status === 200)
40          *               alert("Update successful");
41          *           else
42          *               alert("Update Failed");
43          *       }
44          *    };
45          *
46          *    getExternalResource(url, options);
47          *
48          */
49          hwc.getExternalResource = function(url, options) {
50              var key, _options, params=[], queryString, request, callbackSet, jsonOptions, jsonText, xmlhttp;
52      		hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.getExternalResource");
53      		try {
54      			// Default options
55      			_options = {
56      				method: "GET",
57      				async: true
58      				//headers: {},
59      				//data: '',
60      				//complete: function() {}
61      			};
63      			// Fill in options
64      			options = options || {};
66      			for (key in options) {
67      				_options[key] = options[key];
68      			}
70      			options = _options;
71      			options.method = options.method.toUpperCase();
73      			if (typeof (options.data) === 'string') {
74      				params.push(options.data);
75      			}
76      			else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(options.data) === '[object Array]') {
77      				params = options.data;
78      			}
79      			else {
80      				for (key in options.data) {
81      					params.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(options.data[key]));
82      				}
83      			}
85      			// Format query string and post data
86      			queryString = params.join("&");
88      			if (queryString) {
89      				if (options.method === "GET") {
90      					url = url + (url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? '?' : '&') + queryString;
91      					options.data = "";
92      				}
93      				else {
94      					options.data = queryString;
95      				}
96      			}
98      			// Make request
99      			if (hwc.isBlackBerry()) {
100     				request = hwc.getXMLHTTPRequest();
101     				request.open(options.method, url, options.async);
103     				if (options.headers) {
104     					for (key in options.headers) {
105     						request.setRequestHeader(key, options.headers[key]);
106     					}
107     				}
109     				request.onreadystatechange = function() {
110     					if (request.readyState === 4) {
111     						handleResponse(options, request);
112     					}
113     				};
115     				request.send(options.data);
116     			}
117     			else if (hwc.isAndroid()){
118     				if (options.async) {
119     					// Setup callbacks
120     					callbackSet = new hwc.CallbackSet();
121     					options.callback = callbackSet.registerCallback("callback", function(response) { handleResponse(options, response); });
122     				}
124     				// Create a json string for options
125     				jsonOptions = JSON.stringify(options);
127     				jsonText = _HWC.makeExternalRequest(url, jsonOptions) + "";
129     				if (!options.async && jsonText) {
130     					handleResponse(options, JSON.parse(jsonText));
131     				}
132     			}
133     			else if (hwc.isWindowsMobile() || hwc.isWindows()) {
134     				// Create a json string for options
135     				jsonOptions = JSON.stringify(options);
137     				try {
138     					//make xmlhttp request to load the rmi response from server
139     					xmlhttp = hwc.getXMLHTTPRequest();
141     					//container always sends the request as synced, javascript sends the request based on
142     					//caller's choice
143     					xmlhttp.open("POST", "/sup.amp?querytype=externalresource&" + hwc.versionURLParam, options.async);
145     					xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
146     						if (xmlhttp.readyState === 4) {
147     							// Success
148     							if (xmlhttp.status === 200) {
149     								handleResponse(options, JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText));
150     							}
151     						}
152     					};
154     					xmlhttp.send("url=" + encodeURIComponent(url) + "&options=" + encodeURIComponent(jsonOptions));
155     				}
156     				catch (ex) {
157     					alert(ex);
158     				}
159     			}
160     			else if (hwc.isIOS()) {
161     				// Create a json string for options
162     				jsonOptions = JSON.stringify(options);
164     				try {
165     					//make xmlhttp request to load the rmi response from server
166     					xmlhttp = hwc.getXMLHTTPRequest();
168     					//container always sends the request as synced, javascript sends the request based on
169     					//caller's choice
170     					xmlhttp.open("GET", "http://localhost/sup.amp?querytype=externalresource&" + hwc.versionURLParam + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(url) + "&options=" + encodeURIComponent(jsonOptions), options.async);
171     					xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
172     						if (xmlhttp.readyState === 4) {
173     							// Success
174     							handleResponse(options, JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText));
175     						}
176     					};
178     					xmlhttp.send("");
180     				}
181     				catch (err) {
182     					alert(err);
183     				}
184     		   }
185     		} finally {
186     			hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.getExternalResource");
187     		}
188         };
190         /**
191         * Internal method to wrap response in a fake xhr
192         * @private
193         * @param {anonymous.options} options The options provided for the request
194         * @param {object} response The response provided by the container
195         */
196         function handleResponse(options, response) {
197     		hwc.traceEnteringMethod("handleResponse");
198     		try {
199     			var fakeXHR = {
200     				"status": response.status,
201     				"statusText": response.statusText,
202     				"responseText": response.responseText,
203     				"getResponseHeader": function(key) {
204     					var headerValue, header;
206     					hwc.traceEnteringMethod("fakeXHR.getResponseHeader");
207     					try {
208     						if (response.getResponseHeader) {
209     							headerValue = response.getResponseHeader(key);
210     						}
211     						else if (response.headers)
212     						{
213     							for ( header in response.headers) {
214     								if ( key.toLowerCase() === header.toLowerCase() )
215     								{
216     									headerValue = response.headers[header];
217     									break;
218     								}
219     							}
220     						}
222     						return headerValue === undefined ? null : headerValue;
223     					} finally {
224     						hwc.traceLeavingMethod("fakeXHR.getResponseHeader");
225     					}
226     				},
227     				"getAllResponseHeaders": function() {
228     					var allHeaders, key;
229     					hwc.traceEnteringMethod("fakeXHR.getAllResponseHeaders");
230     					try {
231     						if (response.getAllResponseHeaders) {
232     							return response.getAllResponseHeaders();
233     						}
234     						if (response.headers) {
235     							for (key in response.headers) {
236     								if (allHeaders) {
237     									allHeaders += "\r\n";
238     								}    
240     								allHeaders += (key + ":" + response.headers[key]);
241     							}
242     							return allHeaders;
243     						}
245     						return null;
246     					} finally {
247     						hwc.traceLeavingMethod("fakeXHR.getAllResponseHeaders");
248     					}
249     				}
250     			};
252     			if (options.complete) {
253     				options.complete(fakeXHR);
254     			}
255     		} finally {
256     			hwc.traceLeavingMethod("handleResponse");
257     		}
258         }
259     } ());
261     /**
262      * Used to group anonymous objects and callback functions used as method parameters only for purposes of API docs generation only.
263      * Methods and fields in this namespace cannot be instantiated.
264      * <br/>
265      * <b>Used for API docs generation only.</b>
266      * @namespace 
267      */
268     anonymous = (typeof anonymous === "undefined" || !anonymous) ? {} : anonymous;      // SUP 'namespace'
270         /**
271          * Options object used with the {@link getExternalResource} function.
272          *
273          * Supported options are:
274          * <ul>
275          *  <li>  method:  one of GET, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, or POST. The default is GET.</li> 
276          *  <li>  HTTP and HTTPS urls are supported. </li>
277          *  <li>  async:  request should be sent asynchronously. The default is true. </li>
278          *  <li>  headers: request headers to be sent with request. </li>
279          *  <li>  data: data to be sent. If this is an array, it is converted to a query string. For a GET request, this is added to the end of the URL. </li>
280          *  <li>  {@link anonymous.complete} is a callback function that will be invoked with the resultXHR when this method completes </li>
281          * </ul>
282          * @name anonymous.options
283          */
285          /**
286           * Callback function used in the {@link Options} object.
287           *
288           * @name anonymous.complete
289           * @param {object} resultXHR the response object.
290           * <br/>
291           *    The fields/methods available on resultXHR are
292           *    <ol>
293           *        <li> status</li>
294           *        <li>  statusText</li>
295           *        <li>  responseText</li>
296           *        <li>   getReponseHeader(key)</li>
297           *        <li>  getAllResponesHeaders()</li>
298           *  </ol>
299           *    These fields and methods are not supported for resultXHR:
300           *    <ul>
301           *      <li> open() </li>
302           *    </ul>  
303           * @function
304           */