
1       /*
2        * Sybase Hybrid App version 2.3.4
3        *
4        * Certificate.js
5        * This file will not be regenerated, so it is possible to modify it, but it
6        * is not recommended.
7        *
8        * Last Updated: 2011/6/29
9        *
10       * Copyright (c) 2012 Sybase Inc. All rights reserved.
11       *
12       * Note a certificate object will have the following fields
13          - issuerCN - The common name (CN) from the certificate issuer's distinguished name.
14          - issuerDN - The certificate issuer's distinguished name, in string form.
15          - notAfter - End time for certificate's validity period, with date/time fields as they would appear in UTC.
16          - notBefore - Start time for the certificate's validity period, with date/time fields as they would appear in UTC.
17          - signedCertificate - The digitally signed certificate in Base64 format
18          - subjectCN - The common name (CN) from the certificate subject's distinguished name.
19          - subjectDN - The certificate subject's distinguished name, in string form.
20        */
22      /**
23       * This class represents an X.509 public certificate store.
24       */
26      /**
27       * The namespace for the Hybrid Web Container javascript
28       * @namespace
29       */
30      hwc = (typeof hwc === "undefined" || !hwc) ? {} : hwc;      // SUP 'namespace'
33      (function(hwc, window, undefined) {
34      /**
35       * Use these functions for X.509 credential handling.
36       * <p>
37       * Use these functions to create a user interface in HTML and JavaScript, that uses X.509 certificates as the Workflow credentials.
38       * </p>
39       * <p>
40       * This file contains the functions that allow parsing a certificate date, creating a certificate from a JSON string value, retrieving a certificate from a file (Android), retrieving a certificate from the server (iOS), and so on. 
41       * </p>
42       * @classdesc
43       * @memberOf hwc
44       */
45      hwc.CertificateStore = function() {
46      };
48      (function() {
49          /**
50           * Private function
51           * Convert string type date to JavaScript Date
52           * Format: 2014-05-24T20:00:12Z -> Sat May 24 2014 16:00:12 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
53           *
54           * @private
55           * @param {string} value Date string to parse
56           * @returns Javascript type Date object
57           */
58          function parseCertDate(value) {
59              var a = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}(?:\.\d*)?)Z$/.exec(value);
60              return new Date(Date.UTC(+a[1], +a[2] - 1, +a[3], +a[4], +a[5], +a[6]));
61          }
63          /**
64           * Private function
65           * Create certificate object
66           *
67           * @private
68           * @param {string} value JSON string type certificate
69           *              {"subjectDN":"CN=android, OU=SUP, O=Sybase, L=Dublin, ST=California, C=US",
70           *              "notBefore":"2012-05-24T20:00:12Z",
71           *              "notAfter":"2014-05-24T20:00:12Z",
72           *              "subjectCN":"android",
73           *              "signedCertificate":"base64 encoded string here",
74           *              "issuerDN":"CN=teva, CN=sybase.com, OU=Unwired Enterprise, O=Sybase Inc., L=Dublin, ST=California, C=US",
75           *              "issuerCN":"teva"}
76           * @returns Certificate object
77           */
78          function createCert(value) {
79              var cert;
80              if (value === null || typeof value === 'undefined' || value.length === 0) {
81                  return null;
82              }
84              cert = JSON.parse(value);
86              if (cert.notAfter) {
87                  cert.notAfter = new Date(parseCertDate(cert.notAfter));
88              }
89              if (cert.notBefore) {
90                  cert.notBefore = new Date(parseCertDate(cert.notBefore));
91              }
93              return cert;
94          }
96          /**
97          * Returns a list of all the certificate labels in this store (can be empty). Each certificate in this store has a unique label.
98          *
99          * <b>Supported Platforms: </b> Windows Mobile and BlackBerry.
100         * @desc Certificate
101         * @public
102         * @memberOf hwc.CertificateStore
103         * @param {String} filterSubject filter of subject
104         * @param {String} filterIssuer filter of issuer
105         * @returns {String[]} Only filtered certificate labels
106         * @example
107         * // The following script gets all the labels for certificates
108         * // with the provided subject and issuer
109         * var certStore = CertificateStore.getDefault();
110         * var labels = certStore.certificateLabels("MyUser", "mydomain.com");
111         */
112         hwc.CertificateStore.prototype.certificateLabels = function(filterSubject, filterIssuer) {
113             var response = "";
115     		hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.certificateLabels");
116     		try {
117     			filterSubject = filterSubject ? filterSubject : "";
118     			filterIssuer = filterIssuer ? filterIssuer : "";
120     			if (hwc.isWindowsMobile()) {
121     				  response = hwc.getDataFromContainer("certificatestore", "&command=certificateLabels" +
122     						"&filterSubject=" + encodeURIComponent(filterSubject) + "&filterIssuer=" + encodeURIComponent(filterIssuer));
123     			}
124     			else if (hwc.isBlackBerry()) {
125     				response = _HWC.getCertificateLabels(filterSubject, filterIssuer);
126     			}
127     			else {
128     				throw "Not supported on this platform";
129     			}
131     			return eval('(' + response + ')');
132     		} finally {
133     			hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.certificateLabels");
134     		}
135         };
137         /**
138         * Returns a certificate without the signedCertificate part set.
139         * @desc Certificate
140         * @public
141         * @memberOf hwc.CertificateStore
142         * @returns {hwc.CertificateStore} a certificate without the signedCertificate part set
143         */
144         hwc.CertificateStore.getDefault = function() {
145             return new hwc.CertificateStore();
146         };
148         /**
149         * Returns a certificate without the signedCertificate part set.
150         *
151         * <b> Supported Platforms </b>: Windows Mobile and BlackBerry.
152         * @desc Certificate
153         * @public
154         * @memberOf hwc.CertificateStore
155         * @param {String} label label of the desired certificate
156         * @returns certificate object
157         * @example
158         * // The following script gets the certificate data for the first
159         * // certificate to match the provided subject and issuer
160         * var certStore = CertificateStore.getDefault();
161         * var labels = certStore.certificateLabels("MyUser", "mydomain.com");
162         * var cert = certStore.getPublicCertificate(labels[0]);
163         */
164         hwc.CertificateStore.prototype.getPublicCertificate = function(label) {
165             var response = "";
167      		hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.getPublicCertificate");
168     		try {
169     			if (hwc.isWindowsMobile()) {
170     				  response = hwc.getDataFromContainer("certificatestore", "&command=getPublicCertificate" +
171     						"&label=" + encodeURIComponent(label));
172     			}
173     			else if (hwc.isBlackBerry()) {
174     				response = _HWC.getPublicCertificate(label);
175     			}
176     			else {
177     				throw "Not supported on this platform";
178     			}
180     			return createCert(response);
181     		} finally  {
182     			hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.getPublicCertificate");
183     		}
184         };
187         /**
188         * Returns the certificate with the specified label, and decrypts it if necessary using the specified password,
189         * or returns null if the certificate is encrypted and the password is incorrect.
190         *
191         * <b>Supported Platforms</b>: Windows Mobile and BlackBerry
192         * @desc Certificate
193         *
194         * @public
195         * @memberOf hwc.CertificateStore
196         * @param {String} label label of the desired certificate
197         * @param {String} password Access password for the private key of the certificate. Pass null unless the platform requires a password.
198         * @returns Certificate object
199         * @example
200         * // The following script gets the signed certificate data for the first
201         * // certificate to match the provided subject and issuer
202         * var certStore = CertificateStore.getDefault();
203         * var labels = certStore.certificateLabels("MyUser", mydomain.com");
204         * var cert = certStore.getSignedCertificate(labels[0]);
205         *
206         * var username = cert.subjectCN;
207         * var password = cert.signedCertificate;
208         */
209        hwc.CertificateStore.prototype.getSignedCertificate = function(label, password) {
210             var response = "";
212     		hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.getSignedCertificate");
213     		try {
214     			if (hwc.isWindowsMobile()) {
215     				  response = hwc.getDataFromContainer("certificatestore", "&command=getSignedCertificate" +
216     						"&label=" + encodeURIComponent(label));
217     			} else if (hwc.isBlackBerry()) {
218     				response = _HWC.getSignedCertificate(label);
219     			} else {
220     				throw "Not supported on this platform";
221     			}
223     			return createCert(response);
224     		} finally {
225     			hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.getSignedCertificate");
226     		}
227         };
229         /**
230         * Returns a list of full path names for the certificate files found in the
231         * file system for import.
232         *
233         * <b>Supported Platforms</b>: Android
234         * @desc Certificate
235         * @memberOf hwc.CertificateStore
236         * @public
237         * @param {String} sFolder Folder in which to search for files.  This should be a full
238         *        absolute path, based on the root of the device file system.  The
239         *        separator may be either "/" or "\".   For example, "\sdcard\mycerts"
240         *        or "/sdcard/mycerts" is acceptable.   Do not include any http
241         *        prefixes, such as "file:".
242         * @param {String} sFileExtension File extension to which the list should be
243         *        restricted.  Pass the string expected after the "." in the file
244         *        name.  For example, to match *.p12, pass "p12" as the argument.
245         *        Pass null to return all files in the folder.
246         * @returns {String[]} A list of Strings, each String being the full path name of a
247         *         matched file in the given folder.
248         * @example
249         * // The following script gets an array of file paths for files on
250         * // the sdcard with the extension p12
251         * var certStore = CertificateStore.getDefault();
252         * var certPaths = certStore.listAvailableCertificatesFromFileSystem("/sdcard/", "p12");
253         */
254         hwc.CertificateStore.prototype.listAvailableCertificatesFromFileSystem = function(sFolder, sFileExtension) {
255             var response = "";
257     		hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.listAvailableCertificatesFromFileSystem");
258     		try {
259     			if (hwc.isAndroid()) {
260     				response = _HWC.listAvailableCertificatesFromFileSystem(sFolder, sFileExtension);
261     			} else {
262     				throw "Not supported on this platform";
263     			}
265     			return eval('(' + response + ')');
266     		} finally {
267     			hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.listAvailableCertificatesFromFileSystem");
268     		}
269         };
271         /**
272         * Gets a certificate from a file.
273         *
274         * <b>Supported Platforms</b>: Android
275         * @desc Certificate
276         * @public
277         * @memberOf hwc.CertificateStore
278         * @param {String} filePath The absolute path to the file.
279         * @param {String} password The password needed to access the certificate's private data.
280         * @example
281         *   // The following script gets the signed certificate data for the first
282         *   // p12 file found on the sdcard
283         *   var certStore = CertificateStore.getDefault();
284         *   var certPaths = certStore.listAvailableCertificatesFromFileSystem("/sdcard/", "p12");
285         *   var cert = certStore.getSignedCertificateFromFile(certPaths[0], "password");
286         */
287         hwc.CertificateStore.prototype.getSignedCertificateFromFile = function(filePath, password) {
288             var response = "";
290     		hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.getSignedCertificateFromFile");
291     		try {
292     			if (hwc.isAndroid()) {
293     				response = _HWC.getSignedCertificateFromFile(filePath, password);
294     			} else if (hwc.isIOS()) {
295     				  response = hwc.getDataFromContainer("certificatestore", "&command=getSignedCertificateFromFile" +
296     						"&filePath=" + encodeURIComponent(filePath) + "&password=" + encodeURIComponent(password));
297     			}
298     			else {
299     				throw "Not supported on this platform";
300     			}
302     			return createCert(response);
303     		} finally {
304     			hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.getSignedCertificateFromFile");
305     		}
306         };
309         /**
310         * Gets a certificate from the server.
311         *
312         * <b>Supported Platforms</b>: iOS
313         * @desc Certificate
314         * @public
315         * @memberOf hwc.CertificateStore
316         * @param {String} username The username for the Windows user (in the form "DOMAIN\\username")
317         * @param {String} serverPassword The password for the Windows user
318         * @param {String} certPassword The password needed to access the certificate (may be the same or different from the Windows password)
319         * @example
320         * // The following script gets the signed certificate data for the
321         * // user MYDOMAIN\MYUSERNAME from the server
322         * var certStore = CertificateStore.getDefault();
323         * cert = certStore.getSignedCertificateFromServer("MYDOMAIN\\MYUSERNAME", "myserverpassword", "mycertpassword");
324         */
325         hwc.CertificateStore.prototype.getSignedCertificateFromServer = function(username, serverPassword, certPassword) {
326             var response = "";
328     		hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.getSignedCertificateFromServer");
329     		try {
330     			if (hwc.isIOS()) {
331     				  response = hwc.getDataFromContainer("certificatestore", "&command=getSignedCertificateFromServer" +
332     						"&username=" + encodeURIComponent(username) + "&serverPassword=" + encodeURIComponent(serverPassword) +
333     						"&certPassword=" + encodeURIComponent(certPassword));
334     			} else {
335     				throw "Not supported on this platform";
336     			}
338     			return eval('(' + response + ')');
339     		} finally {
340     			hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.getSignedCertificateFromServer");
341     		}
342         };
344         /**
345         * Gets a certificate from the Afaria server.
346         * To retrieve an x509 certificate from Afaria, you must get a CertificateStore and then call getSignedCertificateFromAfaria. If Afaria is installed and configured on the device, this gets the Afaria seeding file from the Afaria server. 
347         * If the seeding file is retrieved from the Afaria server, the user is prompted to update user specific information in the Settings screen.
348         *
349         * <b>Supported Platforms</b>: iOS, Android & BlackBerry
350         * @desc Certificate
351         * @public
352         * @memberOf hwc.CertificateStore
353         * @param {String} commonName Common name used to generate the certificate by Afaria
354         * @param {String} challengeCode Challenge code for the user so that CA can verify and sign it
355         * @returns JSON object with CertBlob in Base64 encoded format and other information about certificate
356         * @throws If called on a platform that is not supported.
357         * @example
358         * // The following script gets a signed certificate from the Afaria server.
359         * var certStore = CertificateStore.getDefault();
360         * cert = certStore.getSignedCertificateFromAfaria("Your_CN", "CA_challenge_code");
361         */
362         hwc.CertificateStore.prototype.getSignedCertificateFromAfaria = function(commonName, challengeCode) {
363             var response = "";
365     		hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.getSignedCertificateFromAfaria");
366     		try {
367     			if (hwc.isIOS()) {
368     				  response = hwc.getDataFromContainer("certificatestore", "&command=getSignedCertificateFromAfaria" +
369     						"&commonname=" + encodeURIComponent(commonName) + "&challengecode=" + encodeURIComponent(challengeCode));
370     			} else if (hwc.isAndroid() || hwc.isBlackBerry()) {
371     				response = _HWC.getSignedCertificateFromAfaria(commonName, challengeCode);
372     			}
373     			else {
374     				throw "Not supported on this platform";
375     			}
377     			return eval('(' + response + ')');
378     		} finally {
379     			hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.CertificateStore.getSignedCertificateFromAfaria");
380     		}
381         };
382     } ());
384     })(hwc, window);