Performing the Installation

Go to the Installation Guide for Runtime and locate the instructions for your chosen installation scenario. Use the information in the installation worksheet you filled out for your installation scenario to fill in the installer panels.

Complete an installation worksheet for the SAP Mobile Platform installation scenario you have chosen. You will use the information from this worksheet to make selections and enter configuration information when you run the SAP Mobile Platform installer.
  1. The Installation Guide for Runtime has separate chapters for installing SAP Mobile Platform according to each of the four installation scenarios:
    • Installing SAP Mobile Platform on a Single Server
    • Installing SAP Mobile Platform in a Simple Load-Balancing Cluster
    • Installing SAP Mobile Platform with a Standard Microsoft Failover Cluster
    • Installing SAP Mobile Platform with a Microsoft Failover Cluster with Shared Hosts
  2. After you complete the installation instructions for your SAP Mobile Platform installation scenario in the Installation Guide for Runtime, return to this document to complete any postinstallation tasks.

    The Installation Guide for Runtime directs you to Completing New and Upgrade Installations

Related concepts
Completing New and Upgrade Installations
Agentry Server Host System Connectivity
The Agentry Server in SAP Mobile Platform Clustered Environments
Related tasks
Completing Installation Worksheets
Adding Relay Servers or Reverse Proxies