Defining Server Farms and Cluster Nodes

Set connection properties for the SAP Mobile Server cluster and its constituent nodes.

  1. Define the SAP Mobile Server cluster.
    1. Specify these property values:
      • Farm IDa string that identifies the SAP Mobile Server cluster for which the Relay Server manages requests. This property is case-sensitive, and must match the value in the Outbound Enabler configuration.
      • Typethe type of request managed by the Relay Server: Replication, Messaging or Webservice protocol. When configuring Relay Server Outbound Enabler properties for a scale-out node, you can select only the Webservice farm type.
      • (Optional) Description – user-defined description for the SAP Mobile Server cluster.
    2. Click +.
    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add multiple SAP Mobile Server clusters.
    4. To delete a configured SAP Mobile Server cluster, select it in the list, then click the X button.
  2. Identify each SAP Mobile Server instance in the cluster.
    1. Select an existing SAP Mobile Server cluster.
    2. Specify these property values:
      • Node IDa string that identifies the SAP Mobile Server in the cluster. This property is case-sensitive, and it must match the value in the RSOE configuration.
      • Tokenthe security token used by the Outbound Enabler to authenticate its connection with the Relay Server. Assign a token string (up to 2048 characters); one token can be shared by all farm types.
    3. Click +.
    4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add SAP Mobile Server cluster nodes.
    5. To delete a configured SAP Mobile Server node, select it in the list and click X.
  3. Click Next to review your settings, or click Finish to exit the wizard.

    The relay server configuration screen displays the Relay Server as Type STANDALONE for a standalone Relay Server or LOAD_BALANCER for a Relay Server farm.

    Note: After you exit the wizard, generate the Relay Server configuration file, and copy it to each Relay Server instance to update configuration for multiple Relay Servers.
The Relay Server is registered with SAP Control Center, and can be managed from the Relay Servers tab for the SAP Mobile Server cluster.