Upgrade: Restoring Customized Settings in SAP Control Center Configuration Files

If you modified settings in SAP Control Center configuration files in an existing SAP Mobile Platform installation, the upgrade installer overwrites them and you must manually restore the customizations in the new files.

Unless you are certain that SAP Control Center configuration files used only default settings before you upgraded, compare those files from your SAP Mobile Platform backup with the same files after the upgrade, and manually restore any customized settings.

  1. From the Windows Services Control Panel, stop the SAP Control Center service.
  2. In the backup you made of your SAP Mobile Platform installation before upgrading, locate the following files:
    • SMP_HOME\SCC-XX\bin\scc.properties
    • SMP_HOME\SCC-XX\services\Messaging\service-config.xml
    • SMP_HOME\SCC-XX\services\RMI\service-config.xml
    • SMP_HOME\SCC-XX\services\SCC\service-config.xml
    • SMP_HOME\SCC-XX\services\EmbeddedWebContainer\service-config.xml
  3. Locate the corresponding files in the upgraded SAP Mobile Platform installation.
  4. Copy any changed settings from the backup files into the new files, replacing any default values.
    • Do not overwrite an entire SAP Control Center configuration file with the corresponding file from the backup. You must manually and individually update specific settings in the new files.
    • If you modified the MaxFormContentSize value before upgrading, its location has changed. Before upgrading, the setting was:
      in the SMP_HOME\SCC-XX\bin\scc.properties file.
      After upgrading, the setting is:
      in the SMP_HOME\SCC-XX\services\EmbeddedWebContainer\service-config.xml file.
    1. Open each file from the upgraded SAP Mobile Platform installation side-by-side with the corresponding file from the SAP Mobile Platform backup.
    2. Manually copy any changed settings from the backup file into the new file.
    3. Save the updated new file.
  5. From Windows Services, restart the SAP Control Center service.